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10 Jun 2010 22:42


U.S.: Oil spill: Holy crap, the new estimate is freaking insane

  • 40,000
    the amount of oil the U.S. estimates is spewing out daily (whoa)
  • 1.68
    the amount of oil that is in gallons, which is freaking scary source

10 Jun 2010 10:18


Biz: Between searches and Twitter, BP’s PR defense mechanism is in full force

BP’s spending a bunch of money to have the top Google result on “Oil Spill.” Also @BPGlobalPR changed its description to note it’s a parody. source

10 Jun 2010 10:10


Biz, U.S.: Sucks to be BP, reason No. 39,197: Their stock plummets

  • 15% the amount BP shares fell in the U.S. yesterday
  • 11% the amount BP shares fell in the U.K. today
  • 1997 the last time BP’s stock was this low source
  • » Why the freefall? Well, besides the general “Did you see the oil spill?” response to that question, BP was told to pay workers it laid off as a result of the government’s moratorium on offshore drilling. Which means they’re on the hook for millions of dollars they weren’t before.

09 Jun 2010 10:59


Politics: Uh, what? BP says the government is lying about oil spill plumes

  • yesterday The government confirmed for the first time that they found massive oil plumes as far as 142 miles away from the base of the spill. People like us freak out.
  • “today” On “The Today Show,” a top BP exec said this: “We haven’t found any large concentrations of oil under the sea. To my knowledge, no one has.” Wait, what? source

08 Jun 2010 10:17


Politics: Barack Obama a new kind of president, one who says “ass” on TV

  • Look, all these interviews take attention off the real story: There’s a big oil spill still gushing in the middle of the ocean and it needs to get fixed ASAP. It’s a huge problem for which we still don’t have a solution. Still, though, you have to imagine Jimmy Carter didn’t get this sharp-tongued when he was dealing with his own never-ending scandal, the Iran hostage crisis, which the spill keeps getting compared to. source

08 Jun 2010 03:12


U.S.: Gulf oil spill: Obama plans to reopen offshore drilling soon

  • The blocking off of drilling affected thousands of Gulf Coast jobs. As bad as the oil spill is, the side effect of stopping offshore drilling to get regulators back in lockstep was nearly as damaging for the region’s economy. When the new regulations are put into place as soon as Tuesday, expect new rules on shallow water oil and gas drilling. Also, the White House is considering canning the liability cap on oil spills, because, well, hey, BP can afford to pay for the mess. source

07 Jun 2010 20:50


U.S.: Oil Spill: Thad Allen says it’s been spreading out, scattering

  • We’re no longer dealing with a large, monolithic spill. We’re dealing with an aggregation of hundreds of thousands of patches of oil that are going a lot of different directions.
  • Thad “the good guy” Allen • Discussing the latest status of the oil spill. In explaining further, Allen said that while tackling the surface oil issues will take a couple of months, “long-term issues of restoring the environment and the habitats … will be years.”Not only are we not out of the woods, but the woods just keeps growing, and we have to see the forest for the trees. source

06 Jun 2010 22:58


Politics: Max Headroom: We just played “We Didn’t Start the Fire” backwards

  • Thad Allen just scared usWant to feel something hit the pit of your stomach? Watch this clip, where Thad “this oil spill needs a hero” Allen says in very plain terms that the spill is going to be with us well into the fall. Let’s hope a hurricane doesn’t plow through in the meantime. *fingers crossed*

  • Obama the GOP’s “Enemy”? On “Fox News Sunday,” Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour, who has a reasonable beef with Obama over the response to the oil spill, compared him to a Napoleon quote about watching your enemy self-destruct. The key phrase there is not “self-destruct.” It’s “enemy.”

  • He only wrote the lyricsWhether or not the news cycle has just gotten faster or what, comedian Bruce Fine was able to take Billy Joel’s “We Didn’t Start the Fire” and focus it on everything that’s happened during the Obama administration. The Joel version covered 50 years. Whoa.

06 Jun 2010 12:12


Politics: Old-school documentary: Crude oil good for oysters! Really!

  • This chestnut from the ’60s seems all the more ironic in the wake of the current oil spill. Skip to around the 9-minute mark to see a bunch of oysters who really like crude oil. The American Petroleum Institute knows a thing or two about making bad PR seem good. source

06 Jun 2010 11:27


U.S.: Gulf oil spill: Even if it isn’t getting everything, the cap is working

  • 10,000 barrels per day, or about half source
  • » Freaking finally: Thad Allen and his boys are way more positive about this result than they have been about others. They hope to slowing increase the amount of oil captured. Oil, by the way, is still getting through the vents, which is why they aren’t capturing all of it.