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23 Jun 2010 10:58


Politics: Oil companies force anti-green initiative on California’s ballot

  • This initiative sponsored by greedy Texas oil companies would cripple California’s fastest-growing economic sector, reverse our renewable energy policy and decimate our environmental progress for the benefit of these oil companies’ profit margins. … I will not allow this to happen on my watch.
  • California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger • Reacting with disgust about the addition of a ballot initiative which would limit a global warming bill from getting enacted until the unemployment rate, currently at 12 percent in the state, was at 5.5 percent for at least a year. Which is total crap, because the bill’s designed to create new kinds of jobs. Who’s behind the initative? Texas oil giants Valero Energy Inc. and Tesoro Corp. That’s right. Big oil is trying to make a global warming initiative go away. They’ve spent $3 million on it and have painted it as an “energy tax.” Which isn’t what the bill is at all. Unbelievable. source

22 Jun 2010 20:45


U.S.: Judge in drilling moratorium case may not be impartial, guys

  • yes Judge Martin Feldman decided against the federal government in the drilling moratorium case.
  • yes Feldman happens to own stock in as many as five major offshore drilling companies. source

22 Jun 2010 11:03


Biz: Nooooo … really? Oil companies want deepwater drilling ban to end

  • There are things the administration could implement today that would allow the industry to go back to work tomorrow without an arbitrary six-month time limit.
  • Transocean CEO Steven Newman • Arguing that the U.S. should back off its somewhat controversial deepwater drilling ban. (His company ran the Deepwater Horizon.) He’s not alone – the BBC quotes Chevron and BP execs (not Tony Hayward) saying similar things. The oil industry is pushing against the regulations and a court decision about the drilling ban is forthcoming. Haley Barbour got a lot of crap about making a similar statement recently, despite the fact that BP is paying workers who have been laid off due to the spill. source

21 Jun 2010 21:03


Politics: Duh: The DNC takes on Joe Barton’s apology in new attack ad

  • You know, it’s a pretty petty ad. It’s a story big enough that most people know the ebb and flow of the situation. (And there’s no mention of the apology for the apology.) But in all honesty, if the Democratic National Committee hadn’t done something with this, it would’ve been disappointing. It’s almost like a “get out of crisis free” card. Except not really. source

20 Jun 2010 10:57


U.S.: Kevin Costner’s “dream machine” ready to clean up lots of oil

  • At its core, my dream, this machine, was designed to give us a fighting chance to fight back the oil that has got us by the throat.… When you are in a fight, anybody knows you go to confront it right where it is. You don’t wait for it to come to your door.
  • Actor Kevin Costner • Unveiling the V20 device his company, Ocean Therapy Solutions, developed to separate oil from water. Unlike hay, Costner’s device could have a real impact on the spill if it works – each device is capable of separating about 210,000 gallons of oil from water per day, or 5,000 barrels of oil. He sold 32 of these devices to BP, meaning they could separate up to 160,000 barrels of oil per day. If this actually works, Kevin Costner will have totally made up for “The Postman.” source

19 Jun 2010 09:46


Biz: Oil disaster: Fellow oil well owner Andarko throws BP under the bus

  • 65% of the oil well is owned by BP, which has gotten the most attention for the spill so far
  • 25% of the well is owned by Anadarko, which blames BP for “reckless decisions and actions”
  • 10% of the well is owned by Mitsui, which is staying fairly quiet on the situation source

18 Jun 2010 16:22


Biz: Good news! BP Chief Exec Tony Hayward is getting his life back!

  • Dude’s handing over the reins of the BP situation to someone else. A day after getting grilled (a lot) and apologized to (a little), the BP chief executive will be stepping aside and handing daily operations to Bob Dudley, an American oil executive who has been in a managing role since 2009.“It is clear Tony has made remarks that have upset people,” said BP Chairman Carl-Henric Svanberg, trying his best to do some damage control after a very rough day. source

17 Jun 2010 20:12


Politics: Joe Barton stepped in it so badly that the oil just won’t come off

  • apology Joe Barton apologized to BP for having to pay money to people the oil spill greatly damaged.
  • redo Barton, feeling pressure, apologized for the “misconstruction” of his stupid, stupid comments.
  • recant Barton, who wasn’t seen as sincere enough, apologized AGAIN – this time, taking it back. source

17 Jun 2010 10:56


Politics: Dear Joe Barton: It’s not a shakedown if it’s BP’s fault

  • I’m ashamed of what happened in the White House yesterday. I think it is a tragedy of the first proportion that a private corporation can be subjected to what I would characterize as a shakedown in this case a $20 billion dollar shakedown.
  • Rep. Joe Barton • Saying the kind of thing that will not win him many fans amongst people offended by the oil spill. BP’s CEO, Tony Hayward, who went into the Congressional hearing today expecting a public flogging, instead got that starting out. Unbelievable. Save the apologies for a company that isn’t responsible for destroying the gulf, Joe. That money’s going to help people whose lives were destroyed, remember. source

17 Jun 2010 10:51
