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10 Apr 2011 20:34


World: Jacob Zuma throws himself head-first into Gaddafi dramarama

  • The brother leader’s delegation has accepted the roadmap as presented by us. We have to give cease-fire a chance.
  • South African President Jacob Zuma • Pushing to get folks to back a peace plan that Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has agreed to. The plan, which could lead to a cease-fire, may be just what Libya needed. Now we’re sure Zuma, representing the African Union, probably has a better handle on Gaddafi than most, but we’re going to say that this probably isn’t going to be particularly effective. And Zuma has a history of backing a soft-pedal approach to leaders that probably don’t deserve it. Robert Mugabe for starters. We’re sure Morgan Tsvangirai feels pretty good about Zuma’s help in that situation right now. source

28 Oct 2009 11:17


World: The UN’s trying to look into Zimbabwe torture allegations. It can’t.

  • Recent allegations that MDC supporters and human rights defenders have been arrested, harassed and intimidated during the past few days, highlight the urgency of objective fact-finding by an independent UN expert.
  • The United Nations • In a statement on the inability of its investigator on torture, Manfred Nowak, to enter the country. This is bad for multiple reasons, but worst of all is that the power-sharing government that Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai’s MDC party was to have with President Robert Mugabe’s Zanu-PF party has failed. Word on the street is that Mugabe’s party may be engaged in violence. If this is true, it’s sad for Tsvangirai, who has fought tooth and nail for Zimbabwe’s people despite Mugabe’s resistance. • source

16 Oct 2009 12:45


World: Zimbabwe PM Morgan Tsvangirai boycotts the “unity” government

  • He claims that Robert Mugabe’s party hasn’t budged. Morgan Tsvangirai has been through the wringer trying to improve Zimbabwe and its laughable economy. He’s been beaten before. His wife died in a car crash. But after the arrest of Tsvangirai’s nominated government appointee Roy Bennett on terrorism charges, he’s had enough for now. Tsvangirai and his MDC party have “disengaged” from the unity government with Robert Mugabe. This comes at a bad time for Zimbabwe, which is trying to raise aid money to improve the country’s fragile economic state. source

09 Mar 2009 08:19


World: Zimbabwe PM Tsvangirai: Foul play unlikely in my crash

  • When something happens, there is always speculation but I want to say in this case, if there was any foul play, it was one in a thousand.
  • Morgan Tsvangirai • Prime Minister of Zimbabwe, on the car crash that killed his wife Susan. There was heavy speculation, especially among Zimbabweans, that the crash was premeditated due to past acrimony between Tsvangirai and president Robert Mugabe. • source

07 Mar 2009 12:22


Politics, World: Words of support for Zimbabwe PM Morgan Tsvangirai

  • He’s doing a better job already. Over the last month, Morgan Tsvangirai’s leadership, even in the face of an opposition government that’s been heading him off at every single pass and has kept one of his top aides in jail, has been graceful and offers real change. Much like the optimism that surrounded Barack Obama’s recent campaign, Tsvangirai represents change for Zimbabwe. And it’s showing. Keep fighting, Morgan. All eyes are on you. source
  • He’s doing a better job already. Over the last month, Morgan Tsvangirai’s leadership, even in the face of an opposition government that’s been heading him off at every single pass and has kept one of his top aides in jail, has been graceful and offers real change. Much like the optimism that surrounded Barack Obama’s recent campaign, Tsvangirai represents change for Zimbabwe. And it’s showing. Keep fighting, Morgan. All eyes are on you.
  • Regarding the car crash … There’s widespread belief that the recent crash that killed Tsvangirai’s wife Susan was premeditated. May we just say, while there’s no evidence of foul play yet in the recent car crash, if there was, may Robert Mugabe hang his head in shame. The world has had enough of your poor leadership – which is making others suffer for your personal gain – and we won’t let you get away with it again. All eyes are on you. source

07 Mar 2009 12:12


Politics, World: Dear Zimbabwe prez Robert Mugabe: Leave Morgan alone!

  • I’m skeptical about any motor vehicle accident in Zimbabwe involving an opposition figure. President Mugabe has a history of strange car accidents when someone lo and behold dies – it’s sort of his M.O. of how they get rid of people they don’t like.
  • Tom McDonald • the U.S. ambassador to Zimbabwe from 1997-2001, on the recent crash involving prime minister Morgan Tsvangirai, the opposition party leader in the power-sharing government with president Robert Mugabe. This gives us pause, too. • source

07 Mar 2009 10:52


World: Zimbabwe PM Tsvangirai needed an escort, his party says

  • Logic would have demanded that police escort be provided to the prime minister to warn other traffic and this tragedy could have been avoided.
  • Tendai Biti • General-secretary of PM Morgan Tsvangirai’s Movement for Democratic Change. While Morgan survived with injuries and is out of the hospital, his wife Susan died. The MDC will investigate the crash, which happened in part because the driver was apparently asleep at the wheel. Zimbabwe can’t seem to get a freakin’ break. • source

06 Mar 2009 12:53


World: Zimbabwe PM Morgan Tsvangirai’s wife killed in car wreck

  • What happened? The car carrying Morgan Tsvangirai, an aide and his wife Susan got into a head-on collision with a truck. They were carrying the opposition leader to Buhera, Tsvangirai’s hometown. Tsvangirai, the aide and the driver were seriously hurt, but they are not discussing the extent of the injuries as of yet – hopefully it’s not too bad. source
  • What happened? The car carrying Morgan Tsvangirai, an aide and his wife Susan got into a head-on collision with a truck. They were carrying the opposition leader to Buhera, Tsvangirai’s hometown. Tsvangirai, the aide and the driver were seriously hurt, but they are not discussing the extent of the injuries as of yet – hopefully it’s not too bad.
  • Why this might be bad Zimbabwe is a country that can’t seem to get a break. The government, long led by president and hyperinflation expert Robert Mugabe, recently brought Tsvangirai on as prime minister. And that whole process hasn’t been without its drama. So while there’s no evidence of foul play yet, it wouldn’t be surprising. source

28 Feb 2009 09:55


World: Robert Mugabe: Partying while there’s a cholera epidemic

  • $250,000 was raised for a birthday bash today in honor of the Zimbabwean president’s big 8-5. Probably not in Zimbabwean dollars. source

15 Feb 2009 11:23


World: Zimbabwe PM Tsvangirai: “We had to act”

  • People have no food, no schools. The country is on its knees. We had to act. We could not be seen to be authors of chaos.
  • Morgan Tsvangirai • The new Prime Minister of Zimbabwe, on choosing to form a unified government with President Robert Mugabe. That unified government is already in crisis due to one of Tsvangirai’s close associates, Roy Bennett, getting arrested. • source