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20 Sep 2011 00:46


Offbeat: Florida woman has twins from — SURPRISE — two separate uteri

  • whatTwo healthy babies. Two uteri. One mother. A Florida woman’s rare condition, called “uterus didelphys,” allowed her to have children in two separate uteri. So they’re twins, kinda sorta.
  • how? It’s incredibly rare for a mother to become pregnant in both uteri. There are only 100 known cases, and only one in five million uterus didelphys pregnancies succeed. This was one of them! source

09 Feb 2011 14:20


U.S.: Gabby Giffords recovering well, beginning to regain speech faculties

Great news: Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is regaining the ability to speak. Sources wouldn’t divulge her first words, other than they involved her asking for toast. Good luck, Gabby! source

26 Jan 2011 14:59


U.S.: Good news on Giffords, as medical condition is upgraded

  • GOOD Giffords’ current condition source

19 Mar 2010 17:12


Tech: What if you could take a pill to stop damage from smoking?

  • good New research suggests a protein, GM-CSF, controls lung damage from smoking and can be turned off with the use of a pill.
  • bad The effects (for now) have only been tested short-term. Also, there’s still no cure for cancer, so it’s not a perfect solution. source

15 Dec 2009 11:16


Politics: Video flashback: Joe Lieberman wanted to expand Medicare

  • Why does Joe Lieberman hate America? In this video, Lieberman suggests the very option he publicly killed this week. The uncomfortable kid over to the right just gave the left a ton of ammo in the health care fight by asking this question, even though he called Medicare “Medichoice.”

08 Dec 2009 09:52


Culture: Bryant Gumbel’s lung cancer > Regis Philbin’s new hip

The newscaster revealed on “Live With Regis & Kelly” (where he’s filling in for hip-getting-replaced Regis) that part of his lung was removed in the treatment. source

16 Nov 2009 19:55


U.S.: Breast cancer backstep: The U.S. flips the script on mammograms

  • 50 the new recommended age for women to start getting biannual mammograms (too many false positives) source

07 Oct 2009 11:23


Politics: Shepard Smith makes a super-passionate public option pitch

  • How does Shep stay on Fox News? Really? He’s like the worst fit for the network, ever. He doesn’t fit in with any of the right-leaning line, and he knows what he’s talking about in this video. He does more to devastate the arguments against a public option (and big insurers in general) in this video than Democrats fighting tooth and nail for it for six months.source

23 Sep 2009 10:40


Biz: Medical malpractice leads to more wasteful medical spending

  • $60 billion each year spent on wasteful CYA treatment source

27 Jul 2009 21:42


U.S.: The obese are currently weighing down the U.S. medical industry

  • $147 billion amount it cost to treat obesity-related health problems in 2008 alone – a huge increase source