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16 Sep 2010 21:09


U.S.: Acid attack hoax: Joaquin Phoenix not the only one coming clean

  • It has had an impact on our community. It has brought negative attention on our community that is undeserved.
  • Vancouver, Washington Police Chief Clifford Cook • Regarding the acid attack that his police department spent hundreds of manhours on, only to find out that the attack was self-inflicted. Bethany Storro, 28, spent days in the hospital because of the caustic liquid thrown in her face (which fortunately didn’t hit her eyes because she had just bought new sunglasses). She claimed the attack took place at a Starbucks, but over time discrepancies started to show in her story. No word on if she’ll be charged. source

17 Oct 2009 10:04


U.S.: Shepard Fairey completely screws up his Obama copyright case

Shepard Faireys Obama “Hope” poster at the National Portrait gallery
  • You screwed up, Shep. What could have been an iconic bellwether in the debate between copyright and fair use just had a major wrench thrown in it. Fairey’s poster, which he originally said was based off a different photo than the one the Associated Press thought he used, was in fact based off the one the AP claimed. Rather than coming clean and admitting he was wrong, he deleted the evidence off his computer. He finally admitted he was wrong yesterday, and says he’ll continue to fight the case, but dude will have to get some new lawyers. When fighting a case like this, Shep, don’t screw it up – it makes everyone in your shoes look really bad.source

02 Sep 2009 23:29


Music: The Revenge of the Revenge of Roxanne Shanté’s Revenge

Nothing like unsubstantiated claims to brighten an evening. Roxanne Shanté, above, was a hip-hop icon before hip hop had its big mainstream breakthrough. Everyone forgot about her for a good twenty years, until this New York Daily News story broke, claiming that Warner Music paid for her to get a doctorate at Cornell. Problem is, it's not true.
  • The lies As reported by the New York Daily News (which will have an interesting retraction to write), the hip-hop icon (who scored her one-hit wonder at 14) had a clause in her contract saying they would pay for her education for life. She fought hard to get the label to pay for her education, eventually earning a doctorate at Cornell in 2001. She’s now a “hip-hop” psychologist. source
  • The lies As reported by the New York Daily News (which will have an interesting retraction to write), the hip-hop icon (who scored her one-hit wonder at 14) had a clause in her contract saying they would pay for her education for life. She fought hard to get the label to pay for her education, eventually earning a doctorate at Cornell in 2001. She’s now a “hip-hop” psychologist.
  • The truth According to Slate, Warner never had a contract with Shanté. School records say that she went to Marymount Manhattan College, but never graduated. She admitted to Slate that she never got a Ph.D. from Cornell or elsewhere. She doesn’t have a license to practice psychology. And Warner says the Daily News never tried to contact them, like the story says. source
  • The lies As reported by the New York Daily News (which will have an interesting retraction to write), the hip-hop icon (who scored her one-hit wonder at 14) had a clause in her contract saying they would pay for her education for life. She fought hard to get the label to pay for her education, eventually earning a doctorate at Cornell in 2001. She’s now a “hip-hop” psychologist.
  • The truth According to Slate, Warner never had a contract with Shanté. School records say that she went to Marymount Manhattan College, but never graduated. She admitted to Slate that she never got a Ph.D. from Cornell or elsewhere. She doesn’t have a license to practice psychology. And Warner says the Daily News never tried to contact them, like the story says.
  • Slate’s dirty work Ben Sheffner put together an article for Slate that ranks up there with anything The Smoking Gun has put together in recent memory. It’s just devastating. The way he dissected the Daily News’ article is admirable. The paper only quoted two sources in the article – Shanté and hip-hop Russell Simmons. Protip: When a story’s this good, fact-check your sources. source

22 Aug 2009 12:05


U.S.: Just in time for three weeks ago, Obama takes on health care lies

  • Today, I want to spend a few minutes debunking some of the more outrageous myths circulating on the Internet, on cable TV, and repeated at some town halls across this country.
  • President Barack Obama • In his weekly radio/Interweb address. In the address he tackled whether illegal immigrants would get health care (no way, Jose), whether abortions would be covered (nope) and those so called “death panels” (lies, lies, and more lies). It’s good to see Obama taking these attacks head on, but where was he when the attacks were actually being made? Now he’s just late to the party. • source

09 Feb 2009 22:35


Sports: Compare and contrast: How three MLB stars handled steroid allegations

  • Barry Bonds He continued his major league career, ignored the allegations, set a home run record many fans consider invalid while the rest of his team struggled, and has spent much of the last year in court. source
  • Barry Bonds He continued his major league career, ignored the allegations, set a home run record many fans consider invalid while the rest of his team struggled, and has spent much of the last year in court.
  • Roger Clemens He stopped his many-year trend of showing up to training camp somewhere and possibly playing in June if he felt like it. But he didn’t admit anything, despite a massive report that mentions his name more than anyone else’s. source
  • Barry Bonds He continued his major league career, ignored the allegations, set a home run record many fans consider invalid while the rest of his team struggled, and has spent much of the last year in court.
  • Roger Clemens He stopped his many-year trend of showing up to training camp somewhere and possibly playing in June if he felt like it. But he didn’t admit anything, despite a massive report that mentions his name more than anyone else’s.
  • Alex Rodriguez He admitted almost immediately after the news came out. He’s going to have a career after this. Good on him. source