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18 Oct 2011 20:01


Politics: Stumpin’ in Sin City: Three things to look for in tonight’s debate

  • Hello, and welcome to yet another GOP debate! YAY WE’RE SO EXCITED! Hopefully Anderson Cooper won’t screw this up (don’t take any tips from Wolf Blitzer, bro). Here are a few things to look for during tonight’s debate:
  • Herman Cain …has the most to gain, and the most to lose. He could solidify his standing as the co-frontrunner and anti-Romney candidate by giving thoughtful answers to substantive policy questions, but if he’s caught flat-footed, it’ll confirm to many that he is, in fact, the (pizza-toned) flavor of the week.
  • Mitt Romney …has so far been able to coast along simply by not screwing up, but this debate could be different. Given Cain’s momentum, Romney will have to go at least somewhat on the offensive, or risk getting flattened by The Cain Train. It’ll be interesting to see whether he goes all-out against Cain.
  • Rick Perry…could, in theory, make a comeback tonight. But that was true about the last debate, too, where he not only failed to capitalize on the opportunity, but didn’t even really seem to care about capitalizing on it. On the plus side, his performance will likely be hailed as a success if he doesn’t fall asleep at the podium.

28 Aug 2010 21:52


Culture: Posted without comment: Paris Hilton’s first post-arrest tweet

In bed watching Family Guy. Love this show.! So hilarious! Stewie is my favorite 🙂 love his accent.Sat Aug 28 09:56:06 via mobile web

28 Aug 2010 11:34


Culture: Paris Hilton arrested for completely unsurprising reasons

  • Paris Hilton arrested for cocaine usage? Get out. For some reason, Twitter is totally freaking out over this story, which we totally don’t understand. Hilton was in Vegas last night when the vehicle she was in got pulled over. Cops smelled pot and found coke on Hilton. Considering her reputation, it’s not surprising. We’re not surprised. source

22 Dec 2009 00:43


U.S.: The seedy underbelly of Las Vegas, in the literal sense

A number of homeless people live in giant tunnels under the glitz and glamor of the bright lights. Many are addicted to drugs or in trouble with the law. source

06 Dec 2009 20:58


U.S.: Meet the idiot who blew $127 million in Las Vegas

In the span of a year, Terrance Watanabe lost enough money to bankrupt many blue-chip companies. Now he’s suing Harrah’s for making him lose all that money. Idiot. source

15 Oct 2009 10:47


Music: Garth Brooks the new Wayne Newton? He’s heading to Vegas!

  • Great for him! We needed more populism in Vegas. And more mascara. (He’s coming back as Chris Gaines, right?) Either way, good for him! And for America!source

30 Jul 2009 11:08


Tech: Mad haxors are meeting in Las Vegas to hack your machine

  • The goal? Finding security flaws. Las Vegas’ Black Hat security conference is the place to be if you want to present some major hacks that companies like Microsoft and Apple should know about. Currently on the table? An exploit which allows users to hack Macs and steal scrambled data. Now, we know what you’re thinking. How could this possibly help you? Well, it forces tech companies to make better products. source

01 Jul 2009 02:12


Offbeat: We’re not sure if we’re the drunk guy or the anchor in this video

  • Here at ShortFormBlog, we’re drunks. Straight up alcoholics. But we’re journalists, so even though we usually act like the guy making life a nightmare for the man-on-the-street anchor, our hearts are totally with reporter Steve Ryan, who gives the drunk dude the smack he deserves for screwing up his Michael Jackson bit.source

13 Jun 2009 22:19


Music: Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Cheap Trick Band hopes you will enjoy the show

  • Cheap Trick goes Beatles in Vegas this Fall. With the apparently diminishing returns of Tinted Windows not being nearly enough to keep drummer Bun E. Carlos busy, the meal ticket power-pop band he provides backing to will go to Vegas this September to play a series of “Sgt. Pepper”-themed shows, complete with orchestra. Don’t they have enough of their own hits to play that they don’t need to play another band’s? source

06 Jun 2009 10:19


Music, Offbeat: A born-again hooker weds a born-again rocker. Hey, why not?

  • Former Las Vegas prostitute Annie Lobért founded the organization Hookers for Jesus, which tries to convince prostitutes that there’s a better way to live. source
  • Oz Fox, guitarist with the Christian hair metal band Stryper, best known for albums “To Hell With the Devil” and “In God We Trust,” married Lobért last night. source