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26 Jan 2011 15:39


Culture: Anaheim Ducks sued over allegedly anti-semitic comments

  • Hockey player Jason Bailey claims his minor league coaches made anti-semitic remarks. Bailey alleges that head coach Mark Raymond and assistant coach Mark Pedersen, of the Bakersfield Condors (the Ducks minor league affiliate to which he was assigned), made anti-semitic remarks around him. The suit claims that Raymond said Jews “only care about money and who’s who,” and that he didn’t want his son to be Jewish or ever wear a yarmulke. Pedersen is alleged to have said, “I just got a friend request from a dirty Jew.” Bailey, who is Jewish, is seeking unspecified damages for the team creating a “hostile work environment.” No kidding. source

03 Apr 2010 09:56


World: The Vatican’s Jewish persecution comparison didn’t go over well

  • “This is really in bad taste.” On the list of least likely things you would’ve expected to come from the Vatican, a comparison of an abuse scandal and cover-up to Jewish persecution is pretty high. And a bunch of Jews aren’t happy about it, either. A Vatican spokesperson finally did some damage control, saying the line “is absolutely not the line of the Vatican and of the Catholic Church,” but the damage has already been done. source

27 Mar 2010 19:53


U.S.: Obama conspiracy theorists: Here’s some proof he may be Jewish

That’s right, Obama has a yearly presidential Seder, a tradition he started with his staff in 2008. No other president has had one. Get your tinfoil hats, boys. source

10 Mar 2010 10:15


World: Israel learns building stuff on the West Bank unpopular with the U.S.

  • Yesterday the decision by the Israeli government to advance planning for new housing units in East Jerusalem undermines that very trust, the trust that we need right now in order to begin … profitable negotiations.
  • Vice President Joe Biden (in tandem with Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas) • Regarding Israel’s decision to begin building Jewish settlements on the West Bank, which was great timing because Joe-boy just happened to be in town. Abbas wants Israel to reverse its decision. This is also bad because Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu put a halt to all housing starts for ten months back in November. For those playing at home, it hasn’t been ten months. And Netanyahu is pissed. source

21 Feb 2010 10:04


Offbeat: Yitta Schwartz’s Hasidic family extended, and then some

  • 2,000+ living descendants of Yitta Schwartz, who died last month at 93
  • 18number of kids the Satmar Hasidic Jew had directly; wow
  • 75 her eldest daughter’s age; a new relative is just six days old source

12 Dec 2009 18:53


Politics: Joe Lieberman is a Jewish playa for walking to work today

  • 5 mile walk to stop a filibuster; he doesn’t drive on the Shabbat source

03 Oct 2009 11:49


World: Irony: Iran’s Jew-trashing Ahmadinejad may have been born Jewish

  • By making anti-Israeli statements he is trying to shed any suspicions about his Jewish connections. He feels vulnerable in a radical Shia society.
  • Centre for Arab and Iranian Studies spokesman Ali Nourizadeh • Describing newfound evidence that Ahmadinejad was born Jewish. In 2008, a photo was shot of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad holding up his identity card. It lists his birth name as Sabourjian, which is a Jewish name that means “cloth weaver.” Furthermore, the card suggests his family may have changed to Islam after giving birth. Is it possible he’s overcompensating? Who knows, but this is a pretty good story if it’s true. • source

23 Jul 2009 20:45


U.S.: The best, most lurid details of the New Jersey corruption saga

  • A bunch of prominent Jewish rabbis – including the grand rabbi of the Syrian Jews – apparently had corrupt ties to banks in Switzerland and Israel. Oy ye vey! source
  • Talk about a secret prize. Investigators said they found $97,000 in a box of Apple Jacks cereal. It was just one example of the huge amount of cash bandied about. source
  • One guy apparently convinced people to sell their kidney for $10,000, only to resell that same kidney for $16,000. And people said The Sopranos were fake! source

14 Jun 2009 11:05


World: Coming soon: Israel’s response to Obama’s Cairo speech

  • Benjamin Netanyahu had a few issues with what Obama said. Saying that Obama’s speech offered a perspective that seemed not to account for thousands of years of Jewish history, the Israeli Prime Minister will speak today. His speech will cover similar ground and be broad-based in hopes of building diplomacy. But not even many in his own country are giving much weight to the speech. You need to try harder if you’re gonna impress us, Ben. source

21 May 2009 09:05


U.S.: A major plot to blow up NYC synagogues was just foiled

  • 4 men were arrested in the domestic terrorism plot in the Bronx source