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23 Apr 2010 20:56


Culture: A little more on Bret Michaels’ condition; it’s not good

  • The Poison singer has a subarachnoid hemorrhage. What’s that, you ask? Well, it’s bleeding in the area between the brain and the tissues that cover the brain (his is at the base of the brain stem). It starts out with a huge headache, usually, and is brought on by a number of risk factors. It can also be the result of injury, so the “Rock of Love” star’s fall at the Tonys is still on the table. Unfortunately, the risk of death in this case is very high, even after treatment. We feel bad for the guy and hope he pulls through. source

09 Apr 2010 20:20


World: Live explosive pulled out of dude’s head very, very carefully

Only two people were in the room with the Afghan soldier that had this live explosive removed from his scalp. Everyone else was evacuated in case it blew up. source

02 Oct 2009 23:04


Offbeat: Bring me Ted Williams’ severed head … so I can open a can of tuna

  • Ahahahahahahahahahahaha. Best story ever. It’s been a while since we’ve heard some #^!((& stuff that makes us glad to be alive. And thanks to this story about malpractice at the Alcor cryogenics lab that has the head of Ted Williams, we have it. According to a whistleblower, these guys reportedly:
    1. Took his head off with zero medical knowledge.
    2. Tried to remove a can of tuna stuck to the frozen head.
    3. Used Williams’ head for batting practice. Wow. WOW. source

26 Sep 2009 11:33


Culture: Conan O’Brien had one of those pass-out-during-taping moments

  • Last thing I remember I was enjoying the play with Mrs. Lincoln and the next thing I knew I was in bed being served cookies and juice.
  • Conan O’Brien • In a statement published after he was unable to finish taping The Tonight Show on Friday. The star hit his head while trying to perform a stunt on the show and was taken to the hospital. So instead of a first-run show, we got a repeat. But Conan will be OK, reportedly. • source

08 Jul 2009 23:15


U.S.: Mount Rushmore needed a change, so some activists added Obama

Unfortunately, Obama isn’t made of stone. He’s made of some banner material – the kind that gets 11 people arrested for trespassing. source

16 May 2009 22:45


U.S.: This car chase is a real kick in the head for police

  • There are three troubling highlights to this video. At 0:52, the suspect surrenders. At 0:55, a cop kicks the suspect in the head for no reason. At 1:27, two cops give each other high-fives. Hm.source

18 Apr 2009 15:17


Offbeat: Whoa: Despite getting shot in the head, she offered the police tea

  • There’s no way she should be alive other than a miracle from God. You just don’t hear of something like this. Somebody gets shot in the head and they’re dead.
  • Jackson County, Miss. Sheriff Mike Byrd • On the miraculous survival of Tammy Sexton, who was shot squarely in the forehead by her husband, who killed himself afterward. Sexton, despite having a bullet go through her brain, did not seem to suffer serious brain damage, and even offered the police a beverage (and made herself tea) when they came to look into the incident. • source

14 Mar 2009 18:08


Music: KoRn continues its slow evolution to Christian rock

  • It’s crazy how everybody can sit and talk about rehab but if I come to say Christ was my rehab, it’s not cool to say that. … For me that’s my rehab. That’s what happened with me and it’s an amazing and powerful thing.
  • Reginald “Fieldy” Arvizu • KoRn’s bassist. He quit drugs and alcohol cold turkey after his father told him his dying wish was for the dude to find God. He’s the second guy from KoRn to go all Jesus freak – Brian “Head” Welsh quit the band and went religious loudly and with much criticism from fans. Fieldy could be setting himself up for the same, as the admission comes with a new book. • source