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20 Jul 2010 10:53


Biz: Goldman Sachs’ post-SEC profits fall precipitously, laughably

  • 86% decline in Goldman Sachs’ profits during the second quarter of 2010 – in other words, from a huge number to a very large one
  • $613M the size of their profits in the first quarter after paying a massive SEC fine and getting nicked by British taxes source

15 Jul 2010 22:25


Biz: Goldman Sachs’ SEC settlement a drop in the investing bucket

  • $550
    the size of the settlement the company had to pay to the SEC
  • $13
    the size of the company’s massive annual profits last year source

30 Apr 2010 15:27


Biz: Goldman Sachs under investigation? Let’s send your stock tumbling!

  • 9.5% stock freefall thanks to new legal troubles source

28 Apr 2010 11:21


Politics: Pundits try to put the Goldman Sachs saga into words, struggle

  • Can this be easily explained? No, but these pundits are gonna try. Here’s a five-minute long video of TV news types trying to explain what some say is easy to explain but others say is really hard. Either way, it’s hilarious to watch them play with metaphors. source

27 Apr 2010 20:27


Biz: Fabrice Tourre: Goldman Sachs’ fraud mastermind or fall guy?

Fabrice Tourre, a kid in these circles at 31, reportedly created the ABACUS system which defrauded investors in 2007. He looked scared today. source

27 Apr 2010 20:20


Biz: Goldman Sachs execs had a lot of sweat furrowing their brows today

  • They’re buying something from you, and you are betting against it. And you want people to trust you? I wouldn’t trust you.
  • Sen. Carl Levin • Talking in very harsh terms to Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein – a hearing put together in the wake of the SEC lawsuit against the company. He and other Goldman staffers looked really uncomfortable with being there, and Levin didn’t help – especially due to all the profanity he was using in criticizing them. He said “)*#(%@” eleven freaking times in a ten-minute period. source

24 Apr 2010 12:00


Biz: Goldman Sachs e-mails: Yeah, we bet against mortgages

  • Of course we didn’t dodge the mortgage mess. We lost money, then made more than we lost because of shorts.
  • Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd C. Blankfein • In an e-mail regarding its role in the mortgage crisis. The e-mail, one of many released by the Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, suggests that the company was betting against the failing housing market and profiting significantly from it – one of the main claims of the SEC’s lawsuit against the investment firm. This could be bad news for Goldman Sachs. source

20 Apr 2010 10:17


Biz: SEC, Smesh-EC: Goldman Sachs kills it in quarterly profits

  • $3.46
    size of Goldman Sachs’ profits this quarter, which is kind of a lot
  • 91%
    the amount the company’s earnings went up from a year ago source

19 Apr 2010 23:17


Biz: The SEC wasn’t fully in favor of the Goldman Sachs lawsuit

  • 3-2 the vote which sealed the
    landmark suit’s fate source

16 Apr 2010 16:38


Biz: Super-investor Warren Buffett directly feels Goldman Sachs’ SEC fail

  • $950 million drop in Buffett’s personal wealth today source