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20 Jul 2010 10:53


Biz: Goldman Sachs’ post-SEC profits fall precipitously, laughably

  • 86% decline in Goldman Sachs’ profits during the second quarter of 2010 – in other words, from a huge number to a very large one
  • $613M the size of their profits in the first quarter after paying a massive SEC fine and getting nicked by British taxes source

15 Jul 2010 22:25


Biz: Goldman Sachs’ SEC settlement a drop in the investing bucket

  • $550
    the size of the settlement the company had to pay to the SEC
  • $13
    the size of the company’s massive annual profits last year source

23 Apr 2010 13:35


U.S.: SEC officials too busy watching porn to prevent financial crisis

  • 31 Securities and Exchange Commission officials were nailed watching porn in the last two and a half years
  • 17 of those idiot workers were senior staffers who made between $100,000 to $222,000 per year source

16 Apr 2010 11:09


Biz: Why Goldman Sachs is feeling the SEC’s wrath this morning

  • one Goldman Sachs
    reportedly offered a
    mortgage to its
    customers, then bet
    against it on Wall Street.
  • two It managed to
    profit handily, staying relatively unscathed during the worst of the financial crisis.
  • three The SEC sued them
    this morning, making
    some fairly damning
    claims after noticing
    funny stuff. source

16 Apr 2010 11:01


30 Oct 2009 20:52


Biz: Despite many chances, Bernie Madoff surprised he wasn’t caught sooner

  • It was a nightmare for me. I wish they caught me six years ago, eight years ago.
  • Bernard Madoff • Speaking during a June prison interview with investigators about the Securities and Exchange Commission’s constant probing of his ponzi scheme. You start to feel sympathetic until you realize that this jerk could’ve easily said something six or eight years ago and prevented some of the $21 billion in investor losses. So Bernie gets no sympathy. • source

02 Sep 2009 20:43


Biz, U.S.: Way to bungle the Bernard Madoff case, U.S. government

  • 1992 the year that the Securities and Exchange Commission was informed that Bernard Madoff might be doing some sketchy things source