It wasn’t only the muscle cars, the GTO or the ’67 Firebird or the beastly Trans-Am, that made Pontiac something special.
“The Swamp” blogger Mark Silva • Reminiscing about the death of the Pontiac brand, which was announced today along with all those job cuts by GM. The Pontiac brand slowly but surely evolved away from those muscle cars that defined it early on, but they still define the brand to many. • source
There could be failures in lots of different industries as a result of this. One lost job at GM can result in up to 10 lost jobs elsewhere.
Mark Zandi • Chief economist at Moody’s, on the potential mushroom effect this GM taking a break business could have on the freaking economy. We recommend that those 10 lost jobs elsewhere stock up on the Peanut Butter Crunch, because there’s gonna be a run on it because of all the middle aged men watching cartoons on a Tuesday afternoon. • source
It’s the kind of daunting task that calls for a great national project. Nationalizing the first automaker to go would give us a lab for that project, and save American manufacturing to boot.
Non Vivant Blogger John Zwick • Suggesting the idea of a nationally-reworked car company; Zwick suggests that the it would allow the country to move towards cleaner, greener cars and into a more modern approach to an industry famous for bloat. We’re sure some might claim it’s socialism or *gasp* communism, but that’s why this article is clearly marked as opinion, so you jerks can’t claim we’re the ones saying it. As it is, Zwick is making a reasoned argument. • source