Imagine the car Mark Hamill is driving is GM. Imagine the cloud of bankruptcy is the black car. And imagine Annie Potts as the government, yawing its way through the whole emergence from bankruptcy. And keep in mind that this 1978 movie is called “Corvette Summer.” And that this morning, GM finally got rid of the jerk tailing them and got Annie Potts home.source
General Motors decides to make a car in Michigan again. You know the story: State hosts corporation, state becomes dependent on corporation, corporation decides to offsource most of its work, state goes into economic seizure, corporation goes bankrupt. Sounds sweet, doesn’t it? Well, Michigan – 14.5% unemployment and all – plans to go back to its mistress and let them make cars in Michigan again. The Spark, unlike most of GM’s recent hogs, is small and compact – and it’s gonna be made in Michigan. Maybe this could be the start of a brand new relationship where GM screws them over again. source
If we do not fix our health care system, America may go the way of GM — paying more, getting less and going broke.
President Barack Obama • Speaking to the American Medical Association today. A president claiming that the U.S. could go bankrupt for any reason is a big deal, and it’s an even bigger one when it’s because of health care. Wow. • source