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23 Oct 2011 11:09


Politics: Marco Rubio’s back-and-forth with the Washington Post does draw blood

  • first The Washington Post published an article that punched holes in Florida Sen. Marco Rubio’s life story — saying that his parents left Cuba before the 1959 revolution.
  • then Rubio responded in an op-ed for Politico: “The essence of my family story is why they came to America in the first place,” he wrote, “and why they had to stay.”
  • now But the article did lead to some changes. Though Rubio shot back against the article, in the end, his staff changed the bio on his Web site to reflect the Post’s article. source

16 Apr 2011 20:58


World: Wow: Fidel Castro’s brother Raul suggests term limits for Cuba

  • two the number of terms — five years each — Raul Castro just suggested Cuba limit its elected officials to
  • 47 the number of years his brother Fidel led the communist nation for; which explains why this is a surprise source
  • » A rare meeting: Raul made the suggestion at a meeting of the Communist Party Congress — the first get-together of the organization in 14 years. Raul said the country needed the changes to encourage a “systematic rejuvenation of the whole chain of party and administrative posts.” Let’s face it, Raul Castro (the 79-year-old younger brother) isn’t going to live forever. No word on what his brother thinks of this.

05 Sep 2010 15:40


World: Fidel Castro uses the Internet enough for the rest of Cuba

  • 13% of Cuba has access to the internet, which is only accessible by expensive satellite access (that’s a lower average than Haiti, even!)
  • 200+ the number of news items Fidel Castro reports to read daily, which is kind of a lot; he’s obsessed with Wikileaks, too source

27 Aug 2010 22:15


Politics: Fidel Castro convinced Osama bin Laden is a U.S. spy

  • Who showed that he [Bin Laden] is indeed a CIA agent was WikiLeaks. It proved it with documents.
  • Former Cuban dictator Fidel Castro • Saying some crazy crap about Osama bin Laden, the CIA, George W. Bush and Wikileaks. We wish we could add more to this, but we simply can’t. It’s just too crazy. source

07 Aug 2010 12:51


12 Jul 2010 21:01


World: Fidel Castro: The U.S. needs to, you know, stop causing nuclear war

  • Instead of taking practical steps towards the reduction of the chilling threat of the proliferation of nuclear weapons in Iran or any other part of the world, the United States is moving towards the control of the vital oil-producing regions of the Middle East – with violent means should other means fail.
  • Former Cuban president Fidel Castro • Speaking in a rare television interview tonight on the United States’ foreign policy, which he says is slowly building up to nuclear war with Iran. It’s an oddly-timed event, seemingly designed to make sure Castro’s stance on foreign policy was still part of the discussion. It worked – he’s currently Twitter’s top trending topic. source

29 Apr 2010 20:45


World: Hugo Chavez to Latin American leaders: Join Twitter, the water’s fine

  • 110,275 followers for Hugo already

10 Oct 2009 13:21


U.S., World: Fidel Castro has nice things to say about Obama’s Nobel Prize

  • Many will say that he still hasn’t earned the right to receive such distinction. We prefer to see in the decision, more than a prize for the president of the United States, a criticism of the genocidal policies that not a few presidents of that country have followed.
  • Former Cuban dictator Fidel Castro • In a comment in the country’s state-run media. Considering that Americans have feelings just as mixed about Castro as they do about obama winning this peace prize, he’s not helping by saying such nice things about Obama. Barack Obama: Latin America’s favorite president ever. • source

13 Aug 2009 09:37


World: Happy Birthday: Fidel Castro managed to live another year

  • 83 years old; get that man a cigar and a communist nation source

22 Apr 2009 16:34


U.S., World: Cuba’s Fidel Castro is still kicking from the nursing home

  • When the president of Cuba said he was ready to discuss any topic with the U.S. president, he meant he was not afraid of addressing any issue. That shows his courage and confidence on the principles of the revolution.
  • Fidel Castro • On his brother Raul’s recent comments signaling an olive branch for talks between Cuba and the U.S. We’re assuming that Fidel is not actually speaking for his brother, but hallucinating about actually still having power in the communist nation. • source