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16 Oct 2011 23:47


Biz: Publishers freak out because Amazon’s cutting into their territory

  • cause Amazon, with its growing clout as an e-book outlet and ability to work around the traditional system, has made significant inroads as a publisher of books, with at least one bestseller to its name. They will publish 122 books this fall in electronic and physical form.
  • reaction Large publishers and agents are starting to freak out. In one case, Hawaiian writer Kiana Davenport angered the publisher of a forthcoming book and got sued because she dared use Amazon to self-publish an old anthology no publisher wanted. source

11 Apr 2011 22:23


Tech: Amazon drops its Kindle price again … well, kinda

  • deal Amazon just dropped the price of its low-end Kindle by $25, from roughly $139 to $114 … making it an even easier impulse buy.
  • catch The cheaper Kindle will have ads — which will show up in menus and screen savers, but not while you’re actually reading a book. source

01 Jul 2010 21:19


Tech: Why is Amazon even charging for the Kindle in the first place?

  • Amazon’s model should be selling books- and to hell with the device itself. The iPad is raising hell with everybody.
  • Tech analyst Charles Wolf • Describing the major flaw in Amazon’s current pricing model with the Kindle – which is that they cost a lot of money, making uptake seem less desirable in the wake of the iPad. The company recently cut the prices of the more expensive – and larger – Kindle DX, which was a good idea because it cost $10 less than the iPad and did far less. It now costs $379, and sports a new design and a high-contrast display. It’s sexy, but at that price point, who would buy this? The only major thing it has over the iPad is that the screen doesn’t have much glare and can be read in sunlight. That’s it. source

20 Feb 2010 16:01


Tech: Authors all scared eBooks about to ruin the book economic model

  • I’ve got news: It takes about a year to write a book, you have to travel extensively, you have to do a lot of fact-checking. What Amazon and Apple are trying to do is significantly decrease the amount of money that publishers, and specifically authors, can make.
  • The Register writer Dan Goodin • Regarding the possibility of making profits off of eBooks via Kindle or iPad. We think the point he’s trying to make is pretty weak. Why’s that? Well, it completely discounts the things that eBooks make obsolete: The high costs of printing and distribution, which are no longer an issue. We’re not geniuses, but we’re guessing that if you take those two things out of the equation, it more than makes up for the $5 less that an eBook version of your average novel costs. Not convinced. Blame publishers for damaging the model by taking more than their fair share of the pie, not e-readers. source

20 Oct 2009 10:53


14 Oct 2009 21:32


Tech: Barnes & Noble’s dual-screen E-Reader: Hotter than the Kindle?

Oooh. Here’s a novel approach. Take the thing that people dislike about the Kindle the most (the button-heavy interface) and make it like an iPhone. Brilliant! source

07 Oct 2009 10:46


Tech: Amazon Kindles a global reach for its eBook reader

Jeff Bezos is hoping that the can take his pet project and turn it into the biggest present under a lot of global Christmas trees. source

07 Sep 2009 11:22


Tech: Asus’ new Eee eBook reader is not only fawnworthy, but cheap

It’s dual-screen AND it’s going to sell for less than $200. We’re gonna buy two so that we can surround ourselves with the Internet at all times. source

25 Aug 2009 11:27


Tech: Sony’s got a new, larger Reader to compete with the Kindle

  • $399 for seven inches of wireless reading glory source

24 May 2009 11:36


Tech: The latest iPhone app news we got to offer to the masses

  • Apple’s policy of rejecting apps based on some minor content flaw continues, this time with an eBook reader featuring a book on Kama Sutra.
  • Finally, have you tried out the USA Today iPhone app? It’s freaking amazing. It’s easily the high standard as far as newspaper apps go. It freaking rules, kids.