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06 Dec 2011 00:29


U.S.: Storytelling through acronyms: A top bureaucrat’s bad weekend

  • FAA the head of this agency received a …
  • DUI while driving in the area nicknamed the …
  • DMV D.C., Maryland and Virginia corridor source
  • » At least he wasn’t flying while drunk, right? After being a pilot for Eastern Airlines for 25 years, Randy Babbitt became the Federal Aviation Administration’s head in 2009. This weekend, he was arrested for driving on the wrong side of the road in Fairfax, Va. He has since asked for a leave of absence from his office.

31 Mar 2011 00:39


Politics: Montana legislator: Drunk driving is “a way of life,” shouldn’t be illegal

  • If you thought, as we did, that anti-DUI laws were more or less non-controversial, State Rep. Alan Hale of Montana has a few words for you. Hale launched into a stirring speech on the floor of the state House, defending the right of Montanans to operate motor vehicles after downing a couple Vodka tonics. Anti-DUI laws, Hale claims, are “destroying a way of life that’s been in Montana for years,” and hurting small businesses in the process (primarily bars and taverns, like the one Hale himself owns). We’re all for supporting local businesses as a means of maintaining communities, but we’re not sure legalizing drunk driving is the best way to accomplish this. On the upside, we do like the tie he’s wearing. source

23 Mar 2011 15:44


Tech: Appocalypse Now: Controversial apps wither under scrutiny

  • drunks Four U.S. Senators (Schumer, Lautenberg, Reid, and Udall) have asked that app stores stop selling map apps designed to help drunk drivers avoid random sobriety checkpoints and police cars.
  • “cures” Answering not to elected officials, but to the pressure of public relations, Apple has pulled the religious “Gay Cure” app from its store, which supported “freedom from homosexuality.” source

18 Jun 2009 20:35


Sports: Donte Stallworth: Persona non grata in the NFL right now

  • What he did Stallworth pleaded guilty to DUI involuntary manslaughter after hitting a pedestrian while drunk and was sentenced to a relatively light and highly-criticized 30 days in jail. The Miami, Florida court also took away his drivers’ license for life and also sentenced him to two years of house arrest and eight years of probation. source
  • What he did Stallworth pleaded guilty to DUI involuntary manslaughter after hitting a pedestrian while drunk and was sentenced to a relatively light and highly-criticized 30 days in jail. The Miami, Florida court also took away his drivers’ license for life and also sentenced him to two years of house arrest and eight years of probation.
  • What the NFL did Following the league’s standard of harsh penalties, Commissioner Roger Goodell indefinitely suspended Stallworth without pay. “There is no reasonable dispute that your continued eligibility for participation at this time would undermine the integrity of and public confidence in our league,” he said. Ouch. source

26 May 2009 08:54


Offbeat: Today’s clown DUI story comes from Wheeling, West Virginia

  • I’m not allowed to drink in costume and I should have never went, because I was too upset.
  • Patricia Ingalls • Who was arrested Friday night for drunken driving while in her clown getup. Ahahahahahahahaha. LOL. Ingalls has been a clown for 17 years and was told never to drink while in costume. And of course, there were kids around. “They were all hanging on me and saying, ‘Don’t take the clown,'” Ingalls recalled. Oh boy. • source

14 Mar 2009 13:15


Culture: Public Enemy No. 1: Lindsay Lohan

  • A warrant is out for her arrest. The star, who went from critically-acclaimed actress to laughingstock in less than a year, has a warrant out for her arrest stemming from a 2007 DUI charge. She’s currently on probation for her second DUI conviction. She’s only like 22, by the way. Girl’s been busy. source

07 Mar 2009 14:05


Sports: Sir Charles: Only in jail for 3 days, still having a press conference

  • Best press conference ever. just confirmed it. Hopefully Charles Barkley says something awesome. In case you forgot, the former NBA superstar and current TNT commentator, who is not a role model, was arrested on a DUI charge in Arizona on New Year’s Eve. source

24 Feb 2009 10:49


Sports: Well, Charles Barkley said he wasn’t a role model!

  • 10 days in jail for the former NBA superstar, after a DUI source

01 Feb 2009 17:21


Culture: Tommy Lee’s helicopter pulled over, a.k.a. the best story ever

  • What happened? Lee, a rock star you may have heard of from a few videos, was riding shotgun in a helicopter that was flying too close to a LAPD copter in Glendale, Calif. Their helicopter was pulled over. We wish our life was this interesting. source
  • What happened? Lee, a rock star you may have heard of from a few videos, was riding shotgun in a helicopter that was flying too close to a LAPD copter in Glendale, Calif. Their helicopter was pulled over. We wish our life was this interesting.
  • Drinking afterwards?, which broke the story (because they’re that awesome) claims that Lee was drinking immediately after landing, and was given a blood-alcohol test by the cops. The FAA is still investigating the incident, and the pilot might face charges. source

10 Jan 2009 09:58


Sports: Sir Charles Barkley is taking a break from TNT

  • He’s sorting through a DUI case. Barkley, who was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol in Arizona on New Year’s Eve, will take at least several weeks off from his popular stint as TNT Sports broadcaster. When Barkley was arrested, he had a blood alcohol level of .149, nearly twice the legal limit in Arizona. source