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29 Dec 2009 20:36


Politics: Karl Rove gets divorced not from reality, but from his wife

You gotta hand it to Karl. When he carries around the old ball and chain, he keeps it secure. Well, for 24 years, anyway. So much for family values. source

11 Dec 2009 10:10


U.S.: Mark Sanford’s wife, Jenny from the block, files for divorce

  • This came after many unsuccessful efforts at reconciliation, yet I am still dedicated to keeping the process that lies ahead peaceful for our family.
  • A statement from Jenny Sanford • On her decision to file from divorce from her husband, South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford. The decision comes six months after the governor admitted to an affair with his Argentinian mistress. Since then, the governor – a former presidential hopeful – has been in a world of hurt. Was it worth it, Mark? Really, was it? source

10 Sep 2009 23:19


Culture: Hugh Hefner’s latest (laughable) divorce, by the numbers

  • 20 years length of time Hef has been married to Kimberley Conrad, a 47-year-old former Playmate source

05 Aug 2009 20:45


Biz, U.S.: Obama wants to break up the most bankrupt marriage ever

  • Fannie May and Freddie Mac, two government-borne companies designed to help with home ownership and mortgages, were mashed together into government ownership last year (like a bad marriage) as the financial crisis became critical. source
  • Now, the Obama administration is considering splitting them back up again and restructuring them entirely, adding a third company in the mix to handle toxic debt. Obama economy guy Lawrence Summers has long wanted to do this, by the way. source

02 Aug 2009 12:09


Politics: Has anyone else reached a Sarah Palin oversaturation point yet?

  • I say WHO CARES!! I am so tired of this woman and the ‘news’ about her I could scream!!
  • Christian Science Monitor commenter Poolgirl • Regarding the latest spate of Palin chatter. Some of the overcoverage may be Palin-produced, honestly. “Palin effectively guaranteed coverage from the mainstream media that otherwise would not report claims attributed to unnamed sources on an anonymous blog,” said Politico’s Jonathan Martin, who blames her publicist, Meg Stapleton, for making the divorce claim a news story, considering the source was basically anonymous. • source

01 Aug 2009 22:53


U.S.: Is Sarah Palin getting divorced? Bloggers say yes, her camp sez no

  • blogs
  • handlers

13 Jul 2009 12:29


U.S.: ‘Till death (or at least the end of this recession) do us part

  • The kids are OK with it. They just know that mommy lives upstairs and daddy lives in the basement.
  • Freelance writer and stay-at-home mom Rhonda Brewster • On her not-so-typical living arrangements thanks to the recession. Divorcee-wanabees across the country are finding it increasingly hard to sell their houses, split their stuff, pay their lawyers and untie the knot. Some, like Brewster, have had to get a little creative.  • source

23 Jun 2009 20:51


Culture: The American public has no taste … plus 8!

  • 10.6 million watched Jon & Kate’s hyped divorce episode source