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22 Aug 2009 18:17


Culture: That VH1/Ryan Jenkins mess sounds messier by the day

  • Detectives were unable to use dental records or fingerprints, as her teeth and fingers had been removed. But they tracked the number of her implants.
  • A description from a BBC article • On the death of model Jasmine Fiore, who VH1 reality show contestant Ryan Jenkins is accused of murdering. They had to figure out her identity based on her breast implants! Yuck! The nature of this murder sounds brutal and awful in just about every way. • source

19 Aug 2009 20:43


Culture: District Attorney: Conrad Murray charges “totally false”

  • Fox News reported it first. Blame them. The Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office has weighed in on Fox News’ report that Conrad Murray will get charged with manslaughter in the Michael Jackson case. They say it’s baloney. And not the kind that is from obscure pig parts, either. Fox News has yet to take down their report, though. Interesting. source

19 Aug 2009 09:49


World: Baghdad’s latest attack was pretty epic, in a bad way

  • 75+ people died in the blasts, which all happened near high-profile targets source

18 Aug 2009 23:19


Politics: They don’t build journalists like Robert Novak anymore

  • For a half-century, Novak worked like a wheat thresher, feeding and grooming his sources until they gave him the harvest of news—or he beat it out of them.
  • Slate columnist Jack Shafer • Describing Robert Novak and what he did to get his scoops, no matter how small. It was a approach that worked for him, but not without imperfection – his methods managed to out CIA operative Valerie Plame, a saga which sullied his reputation late in life. (Though attacks by “The Daily Show” didn’t help his image, either.) All in all, he lived life as the ultimate D.C. insider. This is a great piece on Novak; we suggest you read it. • source

18 Aug 2009 12:23


18 Aug 2009 11:15


World: An awful act of relationship revenge in Kuwait kills dozens

  • 43 people died after an ex-wife set a wedding tent ablaze source

18 Aug 2009 10:17


World: Kim Dae-jung: Yes, you can go from dissident to president

The former South Korean leader, who became an icon of the country’s democratic strength, died today. He was 83. source

16 Aug 2009 21:45


Offbeat: Here’s the kind of story lede you don’t see everyday

  • A Sprint executive died Friday night when a boulder fell off a Colorado mountain and landed on his car.
  • A report by KMBC • About the death of 45-year-old Thomas Murphy, whose family had a really crappy vacation this weekend. How often do boulders fall onto vehicles, and how often do they kill Sprint executives? Yikes. One of Murphy’s three children was also injured, but the other two (along with Murphy’s wife Jennifer) were unhurt. • source

15 Aug 2009 11:32


Culture: Skateboarder Andy Kessler died of an insect bite. An insect bite.

  • Kessler wrote the book on skateboarding in NYC. From Central Park to random apartment complexes, he always found a spot to skate. He stayed with it, fighting back from an era of drug addiction to become an elder statesman for the sport, later opening up skate parks. source
  • Andy Kessler’s death was sudden. After getting stung by a wasp, he suffered an allergic reaction which led to a heart attack. How does this happen? Well, some people – 5% of the U.S. population – are susceptible to insect allergies. 40 die each year. Kessler, sadly was one. source

15 Aug 2009 10:17


World: It wouldn’t be an Afghanistan election without a car bombing

Just five days before the country’s election, a suicide bomber blew up this car near NATO headquarters, killing seven and injuring 91. Expect more of this. source