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16 Jul 2010 10:09


World: The Vatican pissed off lots of people with their female priest rules

  • When he comes to Britain, there will be people who are deeply offended. I feel offended by it as a woman.
  • Catholic Women’s Ordination representative Pat Brown • Speaking with anger about the Vatican’s decision to label the attempted ordination of a female priest a “grave crime.” Because, well, they put it in the same category as child sexual abusers in the church, at the same time child sex abuse was in the news! Were they trying to slip it under the rug and hope nobody would notice? An awful decision; they really don’t get it. source

15 Jul 2010 10:36


World: The Vatican takes two steps forward, twelve centuries back

  • good Trying to get a leap on a major PR crisis, the Vatican is stiffening punishments and speeding up its handling of sex-abuse cases.
  • bad They also, however, put the attempted ordination of female priest into the same category as sex-abuse crimes. WTF? source

18 Apr 2010 11:05


World: We have no soul: Post about Pope right after “Shake Weight” parody

Pope Benedict, currently in damage-control mode, apologized directly to eight abuse victims in Malta and said the Church would right the wrongs of the past. source

11 Apr 2010 22:57


U.S.: A Catholic sex-abuse conflict that DOESN’T involve the Pope

  • The church didn’t recognize that this bill makes improvements. The victims  – their lives have been changed and some will never recover from years of sexual abuse. For me, it’s about giving them access to the courts.
  • Connecticut Rep. Beth Bye • Regarding a sex-abuse limitations bill running through the state legislature. The bill would allow those with concrete abuse claims access to the courts. Much like everything else Catholic-Church-sex-abuse related nowadays, the Church is in strong defensive mode and telling parishioners to fight against the bill. Bye says the bill makes improvements – for example, someone older than 48 making a claim has to join a case led by someone younger than 48, and show substantial proof of abuse. Oh, and the bill isn’t focused on the Catholic Church at all – it just affects them most because they’re in the news. source

10 Apr 2010 14:54


World: The Vatican: Oh, that letter from the Pope was a form letter

  • There may be some overstep and rush to judgment going on here. … Moreover, while that proceeding was ongoing, there is no known report of the priest having re-offended.
  • Vatican lawyer Jeffrey Lena • Regarding that letter that suggested current pope may have had some connection to the sex-abuse scandals dogging the Catholic Church for the last 30 years. Lena claims the letter is “a form letter typically sent out initially with respect to laicisation cases.” The priest in question, who personally asked to be defrocked, was put on probation for three years after pleading no contest to tying up and raping two pre-teen boys. After he was finally defrocked in 1987, he was convicted of other sex crimes as a civilian. Yeah. This is a mess. source

04 Apr 2010 11:50


Politics: Peggy Noonan: The Catholic Church isn’t as all-powerful as it thinks

  • It is damage that will last at least a generation. It is an actual catastrophe, a rolling catastrophe that became public first in the United States, now in Europe. It has lowered the standing, reputation and authority of the church. This will have implications down the road.
  • Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan • Regarding the crisis the Catholic Church is facing right now, one that’s touched every part of the religion. It’s especially painful on Easter, of all days, to consider this. Noonan makes a key point in her argument: Like Wall Street and legislators in Washington (who have rung up a huge health care bill), higher-ups in the Vatican have considered the Church so powerful as to be invulnerable. And it’s not. And there are consequences. source

26 Mar 2010 12:12


World: The Legion of Christ says sorry for their scandal-ridden past

  • We ask all those who accused him in the past to forgive us, those whom we did not believe or were incapable of giving a hearing to, since at the time we could not imagine that such behavior took place.
  • A statement from the Legion of Christ • Regarding the major sex abuse scandals that happened on their watch over the last 60 years. It’s a heavy apology for the conservative sect of Catholicism – their leader for many years, Father Marcial Maciel, reportedly (on top of child molestation allegations) lived a double life which included mistresses and children. “We accept that, given the gravity of his faults, we cannot take his person as a model of Christian or priestly life.” No kidding. source

15 Feb 2010 08:45


World: Sound familiar? Ireland’s Catholic Church rocked by a sex-abuse scandal

  • Yes, storms spark fear, even those that rock the boat of the church because of the sins of its members.
  • Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone • Discussing sexual-abuse scandals that have rocked the Catholic Church of Ireland. A November report noted that the church “obsessively” hid child abuse between the years of 1975 and 2004. Four bishops have already resigned as a result of the scandal, where at least one priest admitted to abusing as many as 100 children. Yikes. source

22 Nov 2009 21:04


12 Nov 2009 21:29


U.S.: Dear Catholic Church: Stop playing politics with social services

  • This is absolute crap. And unfair to D.C. Taking care of its large gay community, the District of Columbia’s is about to vote on a law that will recognize same-sex marriages performed elsewhere. But the Catholic Church is trying to leverage its power over the city – providing thousands with services such as adoption and feeding the homeless – to try to stop the law. If the law passes, they say, they’ll stop providing these services. This is crap. It’s also not Christian. Churches should not play politics like this, because they’ll burn people who don’t deserve to get caught in the flames. source