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07 Jan 2011 21:08


Tech: Smart: Apple washing its hands of Verizon iPhone announcement

  • This is the sort of thing where Apple needs to play it cool, and act like this is just another carrier. Good news, but not big news. The bottom line from Apple is going to be something like, ‘We’re delighted to add Verizon as an iPhone carrier’. That’s it.
  • Daring Fireball’s John Gruber • Offering some perspective on Verizon’s forthcoming announcement, likely about the iPhone coming to the wireless provider (freaking finally). Truth is, this is a smart move. Back in 2006, Apple had a special event for stuff unworthy of a special event (remember the overpriced iPod Hi-Fi?) and they drew a ton of criticism, creating one of their biggest stumbles in recent memory. By having an Apple special event for the Verizon iPhone, they’d run the same risk. So, handing it over to Verizon gets around the problem entirely. Plus, now Verizon can fight with AT&T without Apple getting its hands dirty. Smart. source

06 Jan 2011 10:59


Tech: Sign of nervousness: AT&T cuts iPhone 3GS price by half

  • $49 somebody must be losing iPhone exclusivity soon source

20 Dec 2010 10:58


Tech: AT&T makes huge investment in more wireless spectrum

  • $2 billion for fresh bandwidth; fewer dropped calls, possibly? source

06 Dec 2010 21:52


Tech, U.S.: Consumer Reports tells us what we already knew about cell phones

  • AT&T is the worst cell phone provider, says CR source

30 Nov 2010 20:28


Biz: AT&T wants to know who’s stealing their copper wire in Atlanta

  • $3,000 AT&T’s reward for info (in pennies!) source

22 Oct 2010 12:11


Tech: Thanks iPhone: AT&T close to toppling Verizon as top wireless carrier

  • 93.2
    number of users Verizon has, after gaining nearly a million subscribers last quarter
  • 92.8
    number of users AT&T has, after gaining nearly THREE MILLION subscribers in the same period source
  • » Insurmountable no more? After Verizon acquired Alltel back in 2008, they were far ahead of AT&T user-wise. But then the iPhone 4 launch happened. Well, so much for that.

22 Jul 2010 11:24


Tech: Rumor of the day: Apparently, T-Mobile might get the iPhone

  • 80% chance of Apple moving beyond AT&T (eh) source

18 Jun 2010 11:26


Tech: Is Verizon looking to follow AT&T’s lead on tiered data pricing?

  • YES Sprint is looking pretty good this time of year source

16 Jun 2010 09:39


Tech: Did nerds exhaust the supply of iPhone 4 pre-orders yet?

  • YES good luck getting a pre-order before July 2 source

15 Jun 2010 23:25


Tech: Heckuva job, Brownie: AT&T – again – ruins the day for iPhone fans

The phone company totally blew pre-orders, causing long waits, errors and reported data leaks. Why does Apple work with this company again? source