Yeah, that’s gonna work. U.S. Army Maj. Stefan Frederick Cook is trying to avoid getting sent to Afghanistan by questioning the legitimacy of whether President Barack Obama can send him using the F(&(^((# B(#&S#(^ claims that Barack Obama isn’t a U.S. citizen and therefore shouldn’t be president. His lawyer, Orly Taitz, has a history of bringing these kind of cases to court. O RLY? source
Marital rape? Banned. Housework? Required. After a new law in Afghanistan essentially legalized a husband’s domination over a spouse, the law was toned down by President Hamid Karzai to only require the wife to do certain acts of housework. OK, maybe we’re spoiled by modernization, but is this really progress? Really? Can’t the man of the house occasionally clean the toilet? source
During the Bush administration, those fighting in Afghanistan fought the war on drugs head-on by destroying opium poppy plants – a huge cash crop in the country. The Obama administration is reversing this policy, letting these beautiful, drug-riddled plants live, but investing hundreds of millions in new crops that don’t get you high. But what’s the fun in that?source