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Posted on November 30, 2009 | tags


Politics: Max Headroom: Chris Matthews has the biggest talking head of all

  • Yeah, that’s him Family Guy recently had a pretty spot-on parody of Chris Matthews recently, noting both his forehead and the way that he never lets people finish. Hilarious. (On a side note – NewsPolitics is no longer on YouTube, and are now hosted by Mediaite. That’s great, but: Dear Mediaite, fix your messy embed codes!)
  • She’s been there On “Fox News Sunday,” former Bush press secretary Dana Perino talked about her experiences with public events and how something like the gate-crashing incident could’ve happened. Ultimately, the main point she makes is that Obama wanted to lighten up White House security, but he really can’t do that.
  • A ticking time bombRecently, Glenn Beck made a reference to Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu being a hooker for supporting the health care bill after multiple concessions for her state. Fellow radio host Bill Press says that Fox News – beyond showing hypocrisy for letting Beck be sexist – is setting themselves up for a huge, public Glenn Beck blow-up.