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09 Mar 2011 23:32


Tech: Zite: A Fluent News Reeder that Flipboards our Pulse like Instapaper

  • We admit it. We’ll probably download this app and really like it. Hopefully we’ll like it and stick with it like Pulse, instead of ignoring it after a week like Flipboard. This app (called Zite) is really cool, because it works like Pandora for your reading preferences. As you keep clicking, it gets smarter, to the point where it knows everything about you. Including your extreme favoritism of funny robbery stories and Charlie Sheen news. Yeah, you. source

09 Mar 2011 22:18


Politics: Congressman Doug Lamborn does not like Big Bird

  • I have been seeking to push Big Bird out of the nest for over a year…it’s time for Big Bird to earn his wings and learn to fly on his own.
  • Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO) • On the departure of Vivian Schiller, the now-former CEO of NPR — as well as his push to defund the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and NPR. He wrote the legislation to defund the organizations. “We can no longer afford to spend taxpayer dollars on non-essential government programs,” Lamborn said, and Schiller’s departure “only strengthens my resolve to eliminate all federal funding for NPR and its parent organization.” Fair enough, but cut the Bird some slack, eh? He’s just an innocent bystander!  source

09 Mar 2011 22:02


Politics: Ron Paul fifty-fifty at running for President

  • 50% odds that Ron Paul will run for President in 2012 source
  • » Indecisive in Iowa: The libertarian hero, whose stock is way up since his cred-building 2008 run, made the prediction while visiting Iowa. “I really don’t know,” he says. “Maybe a trip like this will help me make up my mind.”

09 Mar 2011 21:45


Biz: Carlos Slim: The world’s richest person, two years in a row

  • $74
    the total worth of extremely rich Mexican tycoon Carlos Slim
  • $20
    the increase in the dude’s fortune THIS YEAR ALONE source
  • » Widening his lead: Carlos Slim has not only benefited by expanding his own personal wealth (we’re sure that New York Times investment was a huge part of all that … heh), but the two guys directly behind him – Bill Gates and Warren Buffett – have been giving away much of their wealth lately. Slim has too, but he’s kept a tighter grip on it than those two.

09 Mar 2011 21:32


Politics: Flashback: Scott Walker, circa three weeks ago

  • The bottom line is we are trying to balance our budget and there really is no room to negotiate on that because we’re broke.
  • Governor Scott Walker • After making this statement, he tried to negotiate, then stripped all budget-related provisions from the bill. Think about this next time Walker says, well, anything. source

09 Mar 2011 21:22


Politics: How Wisconsin Republicans were able to pass the “budget-repair” bill

  • They removed the “budget-repair” part. The reason the Democrats left the state to begin with is because Wisconsin’s upper chamber can’t pass any fiscal bills without 3/5 of the members present, according to Senate rules. With the Democrats missing, Republicans lacked that 3/5 quorum, and couldn’t hold a vote. So, they simply stripped all fiscal provisions from the bill, eliminating the need for a 3/5 quorum, and passed it that way. What makes this extraordinarily slimy is that Governor Walker has insisted from the beginning that the bill’s purpose was to fix the state’s fiscal situation. Now, he and the Wisconsin GOP are implicitly admitting what everyone’s known all along: the bill wasn’t about fixing the budget. It was actually about busting up the unions. Good luck spinning the PR, Walker. You’ve done a bang-up job so far. source

09 Mar 2011 21:03


Politics: Wisconsin drama: Democrat Lena Taylor evokes Ash Wednesday

  • Tonight is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent for Christians, and in this time set aside for repentance and prayer, Republicans have turned judgment on themselves. Justice will flow down like a river on this state as Wisconsin recalls it elected officials who have betrayed the public’s trust.
  • Wisconsin Democratic State Sen. Lena Taylor • Dropping some religious talking points on the kids in the wake of tonight’s dramarama in Wisconsin. “Walker and his legislative rubberstamps achieved their goal of ending the Wisconsin values of collective bargaining and access to health care,” she said. source

09 Mar 2011 20:23


U.S.: Wisconsin Republicans pull shifty-eyed trick to pass union bill

  • crap Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker pushed to strip collective bargaining rights as part of a larger budget bill, which required a quorum to be passed. Senate Dems left the state to prevent it from passing. Protests roared.
  • bull*#(&@ After weeks of dispute, debate, and drama, the GOP senators stripped the bill down to the collective bargaining bit and passed it – because they didn’t need a quorum that way. We hope they all get recalled after a mess like this. source

09 Mar 2011 15:29


Politics: The Obama administration tries to doom Jon Huntsman with praise

  • The things he did on behalf of this administration and the closeness in which he worked with the President, is much appreciated. And I’m sure he’ll talk about that in the primaries.
  • White House Chief of Staff Bill Daley • Referring to the Jon Huntsman, the U.S. Ambassador to China who is quietly positioning himself for a presidential run in 2012. Say what you will about the political acumen of the Obama administration, but their strategy to de-fang a potential Huntsman candidacy is clear and somewhat amusing; heap so much praise on the man for the work he did with the President that Republican primary voters won’t trust him. Obama strategist David Plouffe once identified Huntsman as the Republican he felt most threatened by in 2012, so it comes as little surprise that they’re seeking to nip his run in the bud. source

09 Mar 2011 15:06


U.S.: Suspect arrested in connection with MLK parade bomb plot

  • This is a story you should follow, not least of all because amidst all the brew-ha-ha about Rep. Peter King’s radical Islam hearings, people seem to be overlooking a near-miss attempt at domestic terrorism of a chilling sort. Last January, a backpack was left at a bus stop alongside an MLK Day parade route, inside which was a bomb. And not just any bomb; it was packed with shrapnel designed to ricochet out towards the expected crowd, and would have caused massive casualties. The FBI has now announced the first arrest associated with this case, though the suspect’s identity has not yet been released. The Seattle Times reports that the person may have ties to white supremacist groups – which matches earlier speculation that Aryan Nations, which makes its home in the region, may have been involved in the attack. source