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18 Aug 2010 23:58


U.S.: Scariest number of the night: Hint, it involves a ton of eggs

  • 380 million freaking eggs recalled over salmonella fears source
  • » And for the math-adverse: That breaks down to 31.6 million cartons, cartons that include these brands: Albertsons, Farm Fresh, James Farms, Glenview, Mountain Dairy, Ralph’s, Boomsma, Lund, Kemps, Pacific Coast, Lucerne, Mountain Dairy, Sunshine, Hillandale, Trafficanda, Lund and Dutch Farms. Now is not the time to start your Atkins diet.

18 Aug 2010 23:49


Politics: We fully expect a riot in front of the “Ground Zero Mosque” on 9/11

  • critics The group “Stop Islamization of America” (run by Pamela Gellar) plans to have a huge protest in Manhattan on 9/11. Newt Gingrich and John Bolton will be there, too.
  • muslims The muslims behind Park51 plan to do something for 9/11, too. Also, both groups plan to protest in downtown Manhattan on Sunday. Get yo popcorn ready! source

18 Aug 2010 23:38


Politics: Is Obama a Muslim? Let’s just say yes to appease 1/5th of people

  • 20% of people think Obama is a Muslim, according to a new poll
  • 34% think he’s a Christian (which he is); that number is way down
  • 60% of people who believe he’s Muslim found out from the media source

18 Aug 2010 21:02


18 Aug 2010 20:47


U.S.: Furlough funday: 150,000 state workers in California are screwed

  • They’re caught in the middle of California’s never-ending budget fight. After a lengthy court battle as part of the seemingly-yearly budget deadlock that comes up in California, the California Supreme Court allowed governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to force a three-day-a-month furlough on state government employees. By the way, Schwarzenegger and the legislature have yet to decide on how to solve the state’s $19.1 billion budget deficit. Nice to see the people in the middle get screwed. source

18 Aug 2010 20:40


Politics: Biggest surprise of Iraq troops leaving: Rachel Maddow’s there

  • Whoa, how did that happen? Well, a lot of reasons. NBC and MSNBC nailed an exclusive in getting time with the last combat troops to leave Iraq (kudos to embedded reporter Richard Engelfor the scoop), and to celebrate, they had Rachel Maddow secretly leave for Iraq without telling anyone. Which, beyond surreal, is kind of awesome. Good show, MSNBC. source

18 Aug 2010 20:05


World: Even with combat troops gone, it’s not like the U.S. is done in Iraq

  • 50,000 troops are staying behind source

18 Aug 2010 19:59


18 Aug 2010 19:26


Biz: General Motors’ IPO is pretty big, but it likely won’t be the biggest

  • $12-16 billion the amount GM’s upcoming IPO is expected to raise
  • $19.7
    the amount Visa’s 2008 IPO, the largest ever, raised source

18 Aug 2010 15:28


Politics: Here’s a little kibble for Tea Partiers and anti-Tea Partiers

  • The ManifestoDick Armey, former House Majority Leader, published a manifesto in today’s Wall Street Journal (along with Matt Kibbe) explaining what the “Tea Party Movement” wants. It’s epic. “But let us be clear about one thing,” they write. “The tea party movement is not seeking a junior partnership with the Republican Party, but a hostile takeover of it.”


    The antidoteIn case you’re a lefty and need an antidote after reading that whole thing, some genius satirist decided to make a bunch of faux Modern Tea Party shirts with funny slogans. And all of them are rip-roaringly hilarious. Trust us. We can’t stop laughing. source