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28 Sep 2011 10:23


U.S.: Deadly listeria outbreak linked to cantaloupes kills, sickens dozens

  • 13+ people killed in a deadly listeria outbreak linked to cantaloupes
  • 72+ people sickened by the worst outbreak in over a decade source
  • » Not like E. Coli or Salmonella: While those diseases are more well-known because outbreaks happen more often, listeria is deadlier, especially for those who are elderly, pregnant or have a weakened immune system. And the disease often manifests itself in a way that makes it tough to detect immediately. “That long incubation period is a real problem,” said the CDC’s Dr. Robert Tauxe. “People who ate a contaminated food two weeks ago or even a week ago could still be falling sick weeks later.” The cantaloupes, from Colorado, were sold in 25 states between late July and early September.

21 Dec 2010 21:44


Politics: Dear Internet: We need a Salad Bar Security Administration, stat

  • So, CBS is reporting that a recent terror threat involved the poisoning of food. Here’s how it would’ve worked. First, the terror suspects would go to salad bars or buffets out in the open at hotels and restaurants and put poison (ricin and cyanide) in the food. Then, a bunch of people would get sick. Then they’d die. Next thing you know? Full-body scanners every time you go to Golden Corral, meaning that every time you just have to grab another rib from that delicious buffet of theirs, all the while avoiding the trailer trash you’re slumming with, you’ll have to put your fork and knife in little baggies. And then your plate will have to be sanitized with a crazy machine. The federal government will need to hire millions of people to ensure our ranch dressing is safe. And the unemployment rate will drop. And we’ll all be safe. Until that is, the terrorists start fucking with our air. Then, friends, we’re all dead. (Photo by jacobms, complete with bacon cameo.) source

22 Sep 2010 10:20


U.S.: Wright County Egg Founder sorry his eggs made you sick

  • We were horrified to learn that our eggs may have made people sick. We apologize to everyone who may have been sickened by eating our eggs.
  • Wright County Egg founder Austin DeCoster • In prepared remarks for Congress, where he’ll speak today to explain how his company is responsible for so many salmonella-tainted eggs. His company’s barns were infested with all sorts of disgusting things that we won’t repeat here so as not to turn you off of eggs entirely. Partly because of this, there were traces of salmonella in the barns years before there was actually an outbreak. Also, there was another outbreak due to the same company way back in the late ’80s. source

20 Aug 2010 18:11


U.S.: A second Iowa egg supplier nailed in salmonella outbreak

  • 170 million more eggs, this time from Hillandale Farms source

18 Aug 2010 23:58


U.S.: Scariest number of the night: Hint, it involves a ton of eggs

  • 380 million freaking eggs recalled over salmonella fears source
  • » And for the math-adverse: That breaks down to 31.6 million cartons, cartons that include these brands: Albertsons, Farm Fresh, James Farms, Glenview, Mountain Dairy, Ralph’s, Boomsma, Lund, Kemps, Pacific Coast, Lucerne, Mountain Dairy, Sunshine, Hillandale, Trafficanda, Lund and Dutch Farms. Now is not the time to start your Atkins diet.

13 Jul 2010 12:28


U.S.: FYI: Salsa or guacamole + low standards = Food poisoning

  • 1 out of every 25 outbreaks since 1998 is due to the zesty dips source

11 Jan 2009 08:24


U.S.: Tainted peanut butter is a public-safety issue

  • We felt it was important to get the word out so if there are institutions that have this peanut butter, they wouldn’t use it.
  • Doug Schultz • of the Minnesota State Dept. of Health. Minnesota has suffered about 30 cases of the outbreak in their state. • source

11 Jan 2009 08:17


U.S.: Peanut butter the source of a salmonella scare

  • 499 have gotten sick from the tainted peanut butter, including one death source