Here's the before: is a blogger link exchange service used by such well-trafficked blogs as Oddee and The Inquisitr. Despite being around only a handful of months, it's gained a lot of momentum of late and is a great way to find neat, often bizarre articles. Despite its great idea, its design didn't really do the site justice. A total diamond in the rough.

- Here’s the after: We offered our services to 2Leep pro bono, because we thought we could help a lot of sites by giving this neat idea a design that matched its ambitions. We’re still working (beware of falling bugs, especially if your browser starts with the letters I and E), but the basic idea behind the layout was to give it a more web-appy feel as well as organize and emphasize the often-bizarre and cloying subjects the site covers. Check it out and please let us know if you see any issues. And keep an eye out for 2Leep links on ShortFormBlog!source