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19 Aug 2009 22:07


Offbeat: These ostriches make you hungry, don’t they?

Ostrich farming
  • Ostrich farming, currently catching on in South Africa, has a lot of benefits: The meat is healthier and less fatty, there’s a higher percentage of it on a single ostrich than cattle or chicken, and they only take about a year to be ready for consumption. So why aren’t you eating an ostrich burger already?source

19 Aug 2009 21:49


U.S.: A judge who blocked a death-row appeal shows no remorse

  • Sharon Keller closed her office early, stood by her decision. The Texas judge, currently on trial for misconduct, prevented lawyers from appealing the execution of Michael Richard. She closed her office at 5 p.m., refusing to let the lawyers, fighting against a 6 p.m. execution deadline (and computer problems), have more time. Richard died as a result. Her argument: Another judge was on duty that night and they could have handed the appeal to them. Keller could be removed from the bench for the five counts of judicial misconduct. source

19 Aug 2009 21:34


U.S., World: North Korea: We gave you back your women. Now talk to us.

  • They feel, the North Koreans, that by giving us the two American journalists, that they’ve made an important gesture. And now they’re saying the ball’s in our court.
  • New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson • Talking about the current diplomatic situation with North Korea. They want bilateral talks (a.k.a. just the U.S. and North Korea), but the U.S. remains committed to having those talks as part of a larger group of countries. It just confirms what we knew all along: Euna Lee and Laura Ling were pawns for North Korea. • source

19 Aug 2009 21:19


U.S.: This report says we’re gonna live longer than ever. Awesome!

  • 78 the U.S. life expectancy, according to the CDC; don’t die early source

19 Aug 2009 20:49


Tech: We have an invite to Typekit. Here’s a sneak peek.

Here it is in action. It's not cheap. But it sure looks neat, doesn't it, guys?
Here's a lineup of costs:

Trial: Free (but you only get to use two fonts out of a mediocre collection, lame icon in the bottom corner – see below)
Personal: $7/month, $24.99 launch special (bigger collection, up to five fonts)
Professional: $17/month, $49.99/year launch special (bigger collection, unlimited fonts)
Corporate: $49.99/month (pretty much the whole kit and kaboodle)

Did they pull it off?:

They did their homework. The prices are fairly reasonable for web developers. The interface doesn't suck. The rendering, while good, isn't perfect (but that's more a Web browser problem than anything). And the DRM doesn't seem so overwhelming that you can't enjoy the technology for what it is. Good for them. Source

19 Aug 2009 20:43


Culture: District Attorney: Conrad Murray charges “totally false”

  • Fox News reported it first. Blame them. The Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office has weighed in on Fox News’ report that Conrad Murray will get charged with manslaughter in the Michael Jackson case. They say it’s baloney. And not the kind that is from obscure pig parts, either. Fox News has yet to take down their report, though. Interesting. source

19 Aug 2009 11:23


Offbeat: Nearly as good as Barney Frank: Monkey washes bear on Japanese TV

  • No Nazi accusations pop up in this video. We promise. Just a cute monkey trying to wash bears with a hose, complete with laugh track.source

19 Aug 2009 11:13


Music: Weezer finally completes its conversion into The All-American Rejects

Pitchfork nudged us towards Weezer’s new single, “(If You’re Wondering If I Want You To) I Want You To,” from their new album “Raditude.” It sucks. source

19 Aug 2009 11:07


Culture, Tech: Anonymous blogger cattiness isn’t protected, a judge says

  • A blog named Skanks in NYC wrote this mean, biting statement about model Liskula Cohen: “How old is this skank? 40 something? She’s a psychotic, lying, whoring, still going to clubs at her age, skank.” Cohen saw it and got mad. source
  • Cohen sued a few months ago, and on Monday, the court ruled that she was allowed to sue the anonymous blogger for defamation. And worse: Google has to reveal her identity. Yikes. This is bad precedent. source

19 Aug 2009 10:50


Biz, U.S.: Warren Buffett sez this ballooning federal debt is dangerous

  • Enormous dosages of monetary medicine continue to be administered and, before long, we will need to deal with their side effects. For now, most of those effects are invisible and could indeed remain latent for a long time. Still, their threat may be as ominous as that posed by the financial crisis itself.
  • Financial smart guy Warren Buffett • Describing why we should be concerned about the high amount of debt currently floating around our economy. He says that we’re in “uncharted territory” and that the effects of the debt could nearly be as bad as the financial crisis itself. Before you discount it, remember that Buffett knows what he’s talking about. • source