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29 Jun 2009 09:54


World: So, the Iran election’s partial recount begins. Mousavi no likey.

  • 10% of the disputed ballots will be recounted by Iran’s authorities source

29 Jun 2009 09:44


Culture: Debbie Rowe sez being Jacko’s surrogate mom … like being a horse

  • I was just the vessel. It wasn’t Michael’s sperm. Just like I stick the sperm up my horse, this is what they did to me. I was his thoroughbred.
  • Debbie Rowe • Explaining to quality publication News of the World why she has zero interest in raising the two kids she had with Michael Jackson. Gee, when you put it that way, why wouldn’t you want to raise Jacko’s kids? • source

29 Jun 2009 09:30


Tech: The iPhone 3GS comes in an unintentional new color: Pink

The phones apparently get so hot that you can’t hold it up to your face, and there have been reports of discoloration like this. source

29 Jun 2009 02:04


Music: Wilco (The Album). Pitchfork (The Review). Positive (The Rating).

  • 7.3 Pitchfork’s rating of Wilco’s self-aware new album source

29 Jun 2009 01:07


Tech, World: Some Wikipedia editors can’t see the kidnapping for the trees

  • Is that enough proof for you [expletives]? I was right. You were WRONG.
  • An anonymous Wikipedia editor based in Florida • On the news that New York Times reporter David Rohde was in fact captured by the Taliban and escaped. What this jerk didn’t know was that The Times, with the help of Wikipedia king Jimmy Wales himself, was blocking the information from the site to prevent news of his capture from reaching the mainstream media. If Rohde’s fate was known, they feared, his chances of escape would be much lower. Wales was not thrilled with the process but willing to help. “We were really helped by the fact that it hadn’t appeared in a place we would regard as a reliable source,” he said. “I would have had a really hard time with it if it had.” • source

29 Jun 2009 00:53


Politics, Tech: Two examples of old people who don’t get new journalism

  • Judge: Let’s outlaw linking! In this corner: Seventh Circuit Appeals Court Judge Richard Posner, based out of Chicago. A pretty smart guy.
    His argument: Posner, in an argument on his blog, says that “Expanding copyright law … to bar linking to or paraphrasing copyrighted materials without the copyright holder’s consent, might be necessary to keep free riding on content financed by online newspapers.”
    Why he doesn’t get it Because his idea is against the very nature of the Internet and nobody would support him. Plus, his article has a trackback function enabled to encourage linking!
  • Judge: Let’s outlaw linking! In this corner: Seventh Circuit Appeals Court Judge Richard Posner, based out of Chicago. A pretty smart guy.
    His argument: Posner, in an argument on his blog, says that “Expanding copyright law … to bar linking to or paraphrasing copyrighted materials without the copyright holder’s consent, might be necessary to keep free riding on content financed by online newspapers.”
    Why he doesn’t get it Because his idea is against the very nature of the Internet and nobody would support him. Plus, his article has a trackback function enabled to encourage linking!
  • Columnist: Let’s tighten laws! In this corner: Connie Schultz, a Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist for the Cleveland Plain Dealer, still a solid print product.
    Her argument: Schultz says that there’s too many free riders on the journalism bandwagon and they’re coming at the cost of newspaper revenue. She subscribes to David and Daniel Marburger’s theory that copyright law needs to force aggregators to share ad revenue with producers.
    Why she doesn’t get it While her idea is less crazy than Posner’s (she’s not advocating the blocking of linking), it’s cut from the same cloth. Also, you can share her column on Reddit and Digg!

28 Jun 2009 23:51


Politics: Max Headroom: Iran’s still the talk-show talking point of choice

  • David Axelrod stammers “Meet the Press” had Obama’s main strategist trying to explain why HuffPo’s Nico Pitney asked a planned question at a press conference. Watch him sweat.

  • David Axelrod stammers “Meet the Press” had Obama’s main strategist trying to explain why HuffPo’s Nico Pitney asked a planned question at a press conference. Watch him sweat.

  • Fareed Zakaria compares Fareed Zakaria (one of our favorite CNN analysts, BTW), compares Iran to the fall of Communism in Europe, and says it’s unlikely Iran will fall the same way. He sides with Obama.

  • David Axelrod stammers “Meet the Press” had Obama’s main strategist trying to explain why HuffPo’s Nico Pitney asked a planned question at a press conference. Watch him sweat.

  • Fareed Zakaria compares Fareed Zakaria (one of our favorite CNN analysts, BTW), compares Iran to the fall of Communism in Europe, and says it’s unlikely Iran will fall the same way. He sides with Obama.

  • Fox News disagrees Fox News brought on analyst Dr. Walid Phares for “Fox and Friends” to debate whether the U.S. should intervene in Iran. His answer? Yeah, Obama needs to stop being timid.


28 Jun 2009 22:53


Tech: Waaay behind the internet curve: BYU finally allows YouTube access

  • In an attempt to block unpure messages, they blocked a useful medium. Brigham Young University, that bastion of the Mormon life, blocked the video-sharing service because they felt that too much offensive material – like, you know, Keyboard Cat – showed up on the site. (Oh, and bandwidth issues, but whatever. Everyone says that.) BYU, which has incredibly strict moral standards, finally relented after professors complained about their ability to use the site’s heavy amount of educational material. Now, if we can only convince the Amish to drive cars … source

28 Jun 2009 22:31


Culture: Joe Jackson: Where was the Michael love when he was alive?

  • I wish the world had recognized him when he were living. Right now he’s bigger than ever. But I wish he was here to see all this, to hear all this.
  • Joe Jackson • Michael Jackson’s dad, on the death of his son and the huge torrent of response the superstar has gotten posthumously, including at the BET awards, where Joe discussed his son’s life. It’s true – ultimately, the child abuse allegations took the swagger out of Michael’s step, and it seems like we forgot about what we had when he was still alive. We blame ourselves. Sorry, Joe. • source

28 Jun 2009 22:11


Culture: Best way to celebrate the life of Michael Jackson: Choreography

  • New Edition had about three days to get together a choreographed Michael Jackson tribute for the BET Awards, which were tonight. And surprisingly, they pulled it off. Way to go, dudes. Host Jamie Foxx was also in full “Beat It” getup.source