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01 May 2009 11:44


Offbeat: First you had a moustache. Now you have your own month.

Hooray for moustaches! We’ve actually been thinking of growing a moustache on the logo. Hey, why not? source

01 May 2009 11:30


Tech: Does your computer really need an ethernet port anymore?

  • 50%-90% of all ethernet ports go unused, in favor of snappy, portable wireless connections source

01 May 2009 11:16


U.S.: The Supreme Court’s losing David Souter to retirement

  • Outta here in June Souter, who’s served on the court since 1990, will be leaving to retire at the end of the term in June. Compared to other justices (looking at you, John Paul Stevens), he’s not particularly old, but he is 69, and would be eligible for social security if he wanted it. source
  • Outta here in June Souter, who’s served on the court since 1990, will be leaving to retire at the end of the term in June. Compared to other justices (looking at you, John Paul Stevens), he’s not particularly old, but he is 69, and would be eligible for social security if he wanted it.
  • The balance won’t change In terms of political balance, Souter’s departure likely won’t change things much. A George H.W. Bush appointee, he actually became one of the court’s most noted liberals. Unless Obama leans right, the makeup of votes won’t change. source

01 May 2009 10:53


Offbeat, U.S.: Michelle Obama: Pissed because Bo gets her up at 5:15 a.m.

  • Even though the kids are supposed to do a lot of the work, I’m still up at 5:15 a.m. taking my dog out. So for everyone who has a child asking for a puppy – you have to want the dog.
  • First lady Michelle Obama • Talking, with a degree of rage, about the new addition to her daily routine. It’s shaped like a Portuguese water dog named Bo. We’re guessing she doesn’t walk the dog wearing anything sleeveless. • source