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30 Aug 2010 20:38


About: New writer at ShortFormBlog: Everybody welcome Seth Millstein

  • Hello, readers! My name is Seth, and I’m very excited to announce that I’ve joined the writing team here at ShortFormBlog. So … there it is! I’ve announced it! In keeping with the site’s theme, I’ll keep my introduction short. My previous writings can be found at The Daily Californian and my own blog, Shermanesque. I enjoy politics, cities, workplace shenanigans and 1940’s film-noir aesthetic. I hope you enjoy my presence here, and I’ll now return you to your regularly-scheduled program.

01 May 2009 11:30


Tech: Does your computer really need an ethernet port anymore?

  • 50%-90% of all ethernet ports go unused, in favor of snappy, portable wireless connections source

14 Mar 2009 13:01


U.S.: California jerks around its teachers with preliminary pink slips

  • 26,500 teachers received pink slips before the Sunday deadline to receive them. California’s public education system needs to swallow $8 billion in budget cuts, but many of these pink slips will likely be rescinded. They must be having fun right now. source