It’s a Category 4 now. Hurricane Bill is by no means a joke, currently sporting 135mph winds in the middle of the Atlantic. While it poses no threat to the U.S. at the moment, authorities in Bermuda have told residents to keep an eye on it. Oil installations in the Gulf of Mexico are watching for both Bill and the remnants of Tropical Storm Ana, which could strengthen again and damage their always-booming business. source
The first named storm of the season could be coming as soon as today. Tropical Depression No. 2 is gaining strength and will likely become the first tropical storm of the season, meaning we can call it “Ana” soon.
Hawaii got heavily prepared to get slammed by Tropical Storm Felicia, but in the end, the storm didn’t really do all that much; it’s no longer a tropical storm even. It’s gonna drop a bunch of rain, but that’s about it.
You’re out there to do the experiment and you’re geared up every day and ready. And when there isn’t anything happening, that is frustrating.
University of Oklahoma scientist Don Burgess • Regarding the relatively slow tornado season so far this year, which has meant that research has suffered, while just about everyone and everything else that would be affected by tornadoes hasn’t. Burgess notes this as a positive, but you have to imagine he’s only just saying that because he’d seem like a mad scientist if he didn’t. • source
Let’s get a weather going! Let’s get a weather going! When it’s time to weather, we will WEATHER HARD! Let’s get a weather going! Let’s get a weather going! On the air in Tulsa, we will always WEATHER HARD! WEATHER HARD WEATHER HARD WEATHER HARD WEATHER HARD. Oh Andrew W.K., we will always adore you.source
The saddest day in history? Experts say that a number of things – fading memories of Christmas and New Year’s, the cruddy weather, but especially the economy – make January 19, 2009 the saddest day on record. They claim that many people will stay home from work and many more will stay in bed. Hey! Just ’cause we’re typing this in bed doesn’t mean we’re depressed! source