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08 Sep 2010 10:50


Biz: North Korea + News Corp.: Evil forces converge on The Dude again

  • What happened? This wonderful pre-iPhone mobile game to the left is called of “Big Lebowski Bowling,” and it came out way back in 2007. A similar game based on “Men In Black” was also released. The notable thing about the game isn’t so much that it exists, but the distributor is Nosotek, based in North Korea and focusing on distributing North Korean software. That’s right, Dude, they peed on your fucking rug.
  • Why this is badFirst of all, it means that developers in volatile North Korea are getting more adept. Also, it means that News Corp. indirectly gave money to the North Korean government through a developer. The UN says it’s legal, but the U.S. thinks it’s bad for diplomatic policy. Here’s what Kim Jong Il told us personally in an exclusive interview: “Yeah, well, you know, that’s just, like, your opinion, man.” source

09 Mar 2010 10:28


Tech: Your guitar controller plays games; our guitar controller plays songs.

Seven45 Studios ups the ante for the “Rock Bands” and “Guitar Heroes” of the world with “Power Gig: Rise of the SixString,” which uses a real, live gee-tar. Sweet. source

08 Mar 2010 10:51


Offbeat: 8-Bit NYC: An amazing video game visualization of New York City

  • For some reason, this is awesome. Someone decided to turn New York City into an 8-bit map, which actually is more useful than you’d think, and even makes a huge city seem a little less daunting. We approve, though we admit to clicking and hoping we were pulled into a level of Zelda where we got the opportunity to slay rich socialites. source

01 Mar 2010 11:54


04 Dec 2009 18:52


World: Did a 3D animation get Amanda Knox convicted?

The New York Times reports that the prosecution’s closing arguments were peppered by a video-game style animation of the killing. Like this? source

04 Oct 2009 20:41


Culture, Tech: Tony Hawk’s new ride is pretty darn awesome, apparently

  • $1.6 billion the amount of money Tony Hawk video games have made in the last decade source

02 Sep 2009 11:09



24 Jun 2009 11:15


Offbeat: WoW: The world needs more rage over video games, guys

  • Despite all his rage, he’s still just a rat in a cage.source

02 Jun 2009 23:02


Tech, U.S.: Get ready for the Guantanamo video game that will piss you off

  • The British company behind this game claims to have gotten lots of hate mail for this game, where a Guantanamo detainee rebels and starts killing his captors. Noooo, really? We have no clue why “Rendition: Guantanamo” would split public opinion so passionately.source

02 Jun 2009 21:36
