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03 Jun 2010 21:55


Culture: Don’t believe Twitter: John Wooden not dead yet, but gravely ill

  • A too-early report threw everybody off. Let’s face it. The legendary basketball coach, 99 and in grave health, probably isn’t going to be long for this world. But he isn’t dead let. However, Twitter seems to have jumped the gun on his fate. If it makes you guys feel better, this memorial photo gallery on the Washington Post’s site hit Google News early under the headline “John Wooden Dies at 99.” Oh boy. That isn’t good, guys. source

29 Apr 2010 21:36


Tech: Lame: Microsoft kills innovative coulda-been-awesome Courier

  • In their defense, it was never technically announced as a real product. Last year, the Internet went aflutter over the idea of the Microsoft Courier, which turned the tablet concept into a book which focused less on consuming media but acting more like a journal where once could save scraps of content, take notes using a stylus and turn nerds into puddles of awe. Instead, the company killed it yesterday, choosing to focus their energy on the coming-soon Windows Phone 7 Series. Hopefully its memory endures, if not the product itself. source

17 Sep 2009 11:15
