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29 Jun 2010 21:16


Biz: Tesla Motors’ IPO = Elon Musk isn’t broke anymore!

  • 40% the amount the stock increased on its IPO day (it was a great day)
  • 3.85% the amount the NASDAQ as a whole fell today (it was a bad day)

Elon Musk scored big, too

  • $70M the amount that Musk put into Tesla Motors all by himself – he was broke before today
  • $650Mthe amount that Musk’s share in the company is worth after today – not bad, duder
  • $15M the amount Musk took out to ensure his Tony Stark-like life can continue source

27 May 2010 21:08


Biz, Tech: Protip: Electric car companies not good for your finances

  • good Elon Musk, the guy who founded Paypal and runs Tesla Motors has a career so storied that the movie “Iron Man 2” is reportedly based on him. He’s kinda like Tony Stark in real life, kids.
  • bad Musk, however, has burned through all of his money trying to get Tesla Motors off the ground (along with a divorce), and he had a lot of it to burn through – over $100 million. source

17 May 2010 22:16


Culture: If nothing else, “Iron Man 2” as cool costumes. How were they made?

Both Iron Man and Whiplash are wearing armor suits created using top-of-the-line 3D printing technology. It’s not CGI, but it’s damn awesome. source