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14 Mar 2011 15:22


World: Protesters fired upon and teargassed, Governor stabbed in Yemen

  • yemen, boiling over: The vehement protests against Yemeni President Ali Abudullah Saleh have racheted up in recent days, culminating in live rounds being fired on citizens, and the attack of a provincial governor. Naji al-Zaidi was stabbed in the neck with a dagger, as were four of his bodyguards, and was rushed to a hospital from where no further information has been announced. Government forces have deployed teargas against the protesters, and all told about sixty people were injured across Yemen, part of a violent crackdown that President Saleh is employing in a bid to maintain control (h/t pantslessprogressive). source

27 Aug 2010 14:05


Politics: Is the NY Post complicit in recent anti-Muslim incidents?

  • There’s some perspective. There’s been a bit of disagreement with some about whether the NYC cabbie slasher was part of a larger trend of anti-Muslim hatred (see, he worked for a leftist pro-Islam organization), to which this Colbert clip does a good job of putting it into perspective. The New York Post is willing to call the alleged attacker a “disgrace” on its front page, but it’s also worth noting that they had weeks of anti-Muslim headlines before that. And well, there was another incident which could clearly be connected to the recent anti-Muslim vibe going around NYC. Is it possible that weeks of angry New York Post covers had nothing to do with either of these incidents? Sure. But let’s just say that they didn’t really help, either. source

12 Aug 2010 10:22


U.S.: Did they catch him? Serial stabber suspect arrested at airport

  • It makes me feel a lot better, and a lot safer for everyone. Hopefully, it’s him.
  • Barbara Motley-Embry • Regading the reported arrest of a man tied to a series of stabbings mostly in Flint, Michigan. Motley-Embry’s son David Motley was the first victim of the purported serial killer, who also has ties to attacks in Leesburg, Va. and Toledo, Ohio. All but two of the victims in the attacks were black, leading many to believe that there is a strong racial motivation to the case. Here’s hoping they got their man – this guy was reportedly about to board a flight to Israel. source

25 Jul 2010 11:25


Culture: Note to assailants at Comic-Con: Not the place, not the time

  • Dude ALLEGEDLY stabbed another dude in the eye with a PEN! Last night’s busy festivities at the nerdy Comic-Con were disrupted after some guy got so angry at another guy that he caused a very violent scene. Both guys – the suspect and victim – were in the mid-20s, and apparently, tempers were flaring high. “You don’t think of people going off here because we’re at Comic-Con for the same reason,” said eyewitness Albert Esparza, a long-time Comic-Con attendee. “But tempers were really fired up.” source

29 Apr 2010 11:16


World: Scary: Unemployed, mentally ill guy attacks school in China

  • 28 children stabbed in the incident; five were critically wounded source

12 Oct 2009 21:33


Offbeat: Stabbing suspect: “We’re men – stabby men – we’re men in tights!”

  • His alibi was “Robin Hood: Men in Tights.” No, really. 20-year-old Leo Beitz was accused of stabbing a friend during a visit in Boulder, Colorado. Witnesses to the stabbing say he attacked friend Parker Chase Rolles with a large knife. Beitz says that he accidentally stabbed Rolles when the friends were acting out scenes from “Robin Hood: Men in Tights.” You know, from Mel Brooks’ lean period. We wonder how Richard Lewis has been doing lately. source

09 Oct 2009 11:10


U.S.: UCLA tries to make sense of an on-campus stabbing

  • People are shocked that something like that would happen. But because we are at the university doesn’t mean we are immune from what goes on in the rest of the world. This could happen in a restaurant or a shopping mall.
  • UCLA biochemistry professor Sabeeha Merchant • Discussing the randomness of the stabbing of a female student in a chemistry lab. The stabbing, which occurred in midday, has left much of the university seeking answers. The suspect, Damon D. Thompson, has been arrested and charged with attempted murder. • source