I could smash all those infected but I wouldn’t. I hope all people understand that I am not negative person!
Haker “Iraq Resistance” • Regarding his status as the guy behind the “Here You Have” worm, which made many corporate IT department not-fun places to be on Thursday. He’s an anti-U.S. type, if you didn’t figure it out by the handle. He also has a video where he notes his actions are not as bad as those of Koran-burning-wannabe Terry Jones. Considering that his worm was responsible for as much as 10 percent of the spam on the entire Internet on Thursday morning, we’re sure some network engineers would disagree. source
control Profile pictures have to be APPROVED by Apple. The app approval process, we could maybe understand. This? What the heck, guys? This is stupid.
spam Apple’s social networking service is also overrun with a lot of spam because of a pretty thin spam filter. Those links will not earn you free iPads.
The root of the problem: Apple is trying to run a social network, which by definition needs to be open, the same way it runs its hardware business. They’re setting themselves up for a pretty embarrassing fall as a result. If they bought Lala to build this, they wasted their money.
The band has been the subject of a seemingly self-induced Twitter trending topic since last night. Do you like metal? How about spam that completely eats up Twitter? Deadly Fate has both in spades. And despite their strategy to overload the Twitter trending topics with tweets mentioning their MySpace page, they don’t seem to have gained any fans since last night, when they started trending. Wonder why. source
If you were thinking of visiting the aggregator, you should probably avoid it. The exploit, which fills comments with gunk like this, is that dangerous.