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09 Feb 2011 20:10


Tech: Give it up for Palm and HP: Their new WebOS lineup looks awesome

  • Today’s big winner? HP. Specifically its Palm unit. Today, they revealed a bunch of awesome WebOS products that could potentially get the also-ran back in the game. Above is a feature that the iPad can’t do with the iPhone, to the point that it created a whole cottage industry of apps (Instapaper, Read it Later) to make it happen. But the TouchPad can do this with a Pre, the Pixi, or the new baby brother, the Veer. If the iPhone or the Android were able to do this, it’d be a real game-changer. And reportedly HP is working on WebOS PCs, which would effectively be a more robust version of Google’s Chrome OS. So, yeah, this is a pretty stacked lineup, kids. The only real question we have: How much does this stuff all cost? source

21 Jan 2011 00:33


Tech: Things we don’t really need: an Angry Birds TV series

Angry Birds
Apparently, they’re making the hit smartphone game Angry Birds into an animated TV show. We think this is about as good of an idea as that Geico/caveman TV show a while back. source

06 Jan 2011 10:59


Tech: Sign of nervousness: AT&T cuts iPhone 3GS price by half

  • $49 somebody must be losing iPhone exclusivity soon source

05 Jan 2011 10:36


Tech: MetroPCS decides to ensure nobody switches to their service

  • december The FCC approves new net-neutrality rules that give more power to mobile providers while mostly blocking content limitations for landline users. Basically nobody liked the plan.
  • january Just a few days into the new year, MetroPCS is ready to try out the new policy with a tiered data system that limits users’ access to non-YouTube video and audio content on the lowest tier. source

16 Dec 2010 11:15


Tech: Nokia fires fresh salvo in ongoing patent war with Apple

  • 13 new patent claims made by Nokia against Apple source
  • » Whiny babies on both sides: Nokia, which hasn’t exactly been doing all that great in the market lately (but created a lot of fundamental technologies for mobile devices), sued Apple over a bunch of patents last year. Then Apple countersued. Nokia then went as far as asking the U.S. International Trade Commission to halt imports of Apple products. You know, how much does suing the hell out of one another solve? Nothing.

08 Dec 2010 21:50


Tech: In the U.S., people smuggle drugs. In China, they smuggle iPads

  • 14 Chinese housewives were arrested for smuggling lots of tech devices into China
  • 88 the number of iPads the fourteen women had, roughly enough to create an iPad fort
  • 340 the number of phones they had; it was a total haul worth roughly $143,000 source
  • » Why the demand? Simple. The only version of the iPad sold in China is the wi-fi version. The 3G version (sold in Hong Kong) is in very high demand as a result. Plus, China has recently started taxing iPads brought in from Hong Kong, and on the other end, smugglers have been recruiting people without criminal records to make the runs from Hong Kong to China (for around $30 a run). We end this post with a visual image; imagine a woman with 65 smartphones wrapped around her chest and 20 more in her handbag. Yes, this actually happened.

20 Nov 2010 21:50


Music, Tech: Protip from MC Paul Barman: Cell phones emit radiation, guys

  • Our friend (and reader) Shawn Vulliez sent this clip along to us, which features MC Paul Barman (a guy you might know if you follow underground hip-hop) noting the dangers of cell phones over animations that Vulliez (a well-known artist himself) created. Sleep with your cell phone? Keep it in your jeans? You may want to consider not doing that. source

10 Nov 2010 11:01


Tech: Nokia’s cell phone share dipping as competitors catch up

  • 36.7% Nokia’s percentage of the overall cell phone market a year ago; they had the biggest share
  • 28.2% Nokia’s share of the  market now; they’re losing on smartphones AND dumbphones
  • 2004 the last time they fell below 30 percent in worldwide mobile market share source

22 Sep 2010 20:12


Tech: Facebook wants to wholly, completely integrate with your phone

  • No, Mark isn’t building a phone. But the Facebook CEO does have some very bold, audacious goals for mobile: He basically wants to allow phone-makers (and end-users) to use Facebook to automatically personalize phones on the fly. “On phones we can actually do something better,” he told the dudes at TechCrunch. “We can do a single sign-on if we do a good integration with a phone, rather than just doing something where you go to an app and it’s automatically social or having to sign into each app individually.” That could be pretty friggin’ rad if that’s the case. Or friggin’ scary. source

11 Sep 2010 14:01


Tech: Android making dramatic inroads in smartphone share

  • 3.9% Android’s worldwide market share at the end of 2009
  • 17.7% Android’s projected market share by late 2010 source
  • » And it gets better: Slowly but surely, Android is gunning for the 900-pound gorilla in the market, RIM. In the most recent quarter, Android had sold 27 percent of all smartphones in the past six months, topping iPhone’s 23 percent share and closing in on BlackBerry’s 33 percent share. Of course, as nobody ever notes in any of these articles – ever – Google offers up their OS for free and sells it on a variety of models sold by numerous companies. To compare, Apple sells two iPhone models for high margins. Of course Google’s going to own the market.