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03 Aug 2010 22:53


Tech: The BlackBerry Torch: About time RIM stepped up to the plate


  • goodResearch in Motion finally came up with a device good enough to take on the upstarts in the smartphone market. Whoo-hoo! Talk about user retention techniques!
  • troubling Despite all this, it’s going to be tough for the company to attract new users and app developers into the fold. Especially if those new users live in Saudi Arabia. source

05 Jul 2010 09:31


Tech: Microsoft’s Kin died a swift death because nobody would buy it

  • It was killed abruptly because no one was buying it and there no was no credible reason to believe anyone would.
  • A Microsoft staffer • Discussing exactly why the Kin died. The numbers back him up on this 100 percent. In a market where the iPhone sells a million units in a weekend, the Kin sold less than 10,000 in six weeks. It’s one of many embarrassments for the company, which screwed up the Kin’s opportunity by taking too long to bring it to market. Staffers at Verizon stores were actually discouraging people from buying the Kin – par for the course, considering that Verizon pulled a decent data deal out from under the company. source

23 Jun 2010 09:53


Tech: iPhones have high failure rates, but they’ve improved over time

  • 26% of iPhones suffer breakdowns within two years as of 2010
  • 31% of iPhones suffered breakdowns within two years as of 2009
  • 35%+ the failure rates of older, first-generation iPhones source

24 May 2010 22:07


Tech: Wal-Mart cuts the iPhone’s price, just in time for a new phone

  • $97 for the iPhone 3GS – just before the 4G launch source

14 May 2010 14:56


Tech: Was Google’s Nexus One online storefront a failure?

  • YES people prefer buying phones in person, not online source

31 Mar 2010 23:25


Biz, Tech: RIM’s BlackBerry feeling the pressure from Apple and Google

  • They had this business to themselves for years. Now everybody’s joined the party. The U.S. is probably tough for them now.
  • Charter Equity Research analyst Ed Snyder • On Research in Motion’s declining sales this quarter. The company’s BlackBerry is being attacked on all fronts, by both the iPhone and the upstart Motorola Droid. As a result, the company only shipped 10.5 million devices, half a million off from estimates. They’re still profitable (and profits are up), but the sales suggest future weakness. source

22 Mar 2010 13:26


Tech: Palm’s luck may be lacking, but they now have AT&T on their side

  • bad Underdog smartphone maker Palm is still doing rotten with its stock price and, with the Pre’s lacking success, could die eventually.
  • good On the plus side, they just added another carrier. AT&T has the iPhone AND Pre Plus. Is it time to upgrade, iPhone fans? source

17 Mar 2010 10:41


Tech: Oops. Someone forgot to register “Nexus One” as a trademark

  • The U.S. Patent and trademark Office denied Google’s mark. Seems Google was so busy selling its powerful cell phone online only (and hurting its bottom line) that they forgot to come up with a name that wasn’t registered by someone else. In the case of the Nexus One, Integra Telecom registered a similar name a year before Google released the phone. Google can appeal the decision, pay Integra Telecom money or (our favorite) change the name of the phone. All in all, a lot of fun, undesirable options. source

17 Mar 2010 08:56


Tech: Microsoft takes a cue from Apple, not Clippy, on new phones

  • NO Windows Phone 7 Series won’t have cut and paste source

15 Feb 2010 10:23
