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08 Jan 2011 15:07


U.S.: Sarah Palin: “My sincere condolences” to Gabrielle Giffords’ family

  • My sincere condolences are offered to the family of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and the other victims of today’s tragic shooting in Arizona. On behalf of Todd and my family, we all pray for the victims and their families, and for peace and justice.
  • Sarah Palin • In a statement on her Facebook page about the Gabrielle Giffords shooting. No judgment, no criticism. It’s simple and fair. We’ll just leave this here. source

08 Jan 2011 14:54


U.S.: On conflicting reports about Gabrielle Giffords

  • It’s a tough day for breaking news. There are conflicting reports on this whole mess, and we’ll hold final word until we get firmer confirmation. Because, you know, when someone links to NPR confirming something, you expect it to be right. source

08 Jan 2011 14:32


Politics, U.S.: Sarah Palin’s “Take Back the 20” site used gun imagery

  • All of a sudden, Sarah Palin’s “Take Back the 20” site is getting slammed. In case you can’t get into it, here’s the main image used. One of those three targets is Giffords, the first congressperson to be killed in the line of duty since Leo Ryan made an unfortunate trip to Jonestown in 1978. (EDIT: There are conflicting reports.) Suffice it to say that Palin has yet to tweet about thissource

08 Jan 2011 14:17


U.S.: What did the assailant in the Gabrielle Giffords shooting look like?

  • The man was young, mid-to-late 20s, clean-shaven with short hair and wearing dark clothing and said nothing during the shooting or while being held down. He didn’t look like a businessman, but more of a ‘fringe character,’ our source said.
  • Gawker’s Adrian Chen • In an article describing the assailant in the Gabrielle Giffords shooting earlier today. Giffords was one of six killed. Gawker got quite the source for this information – one of the guys who held down the gunman. Giffords was one of thirteen reportedly shot during an informal event at a Safeway in Tucson, Arizona, within her district. Many have made light of the fact that Sarah Palin put her on this list. While it’s too soon to assume anything, let’s just keep Giffords’ family and the other victims in our prayers. source

08 Oct 2010 12:37


Offbeat: Guy survives shooting because of well-placed cell phone

  • The cops were holding [the phone] and showing it to each other, saying ‘This is what kept the guy from getting hit.’
  • Witness Bill Crumlic • After seeing a guy nearly get shot in the stomach by another guy who was very upset about losing his job as a building supervisor. “I feel lucky to be alive,” said victim Juan Camarena. “I say thank God for the phone!” His Nextel I530 took the brunt of the the damage. He was only scratched a little bit after being fired upon. Which is really freaking impressive. Lucky bastard. source

28 Sep 2010 11:14


U.S.: University of Texas on lockdown, warning in wake of shooting

  • It’s still early, but there’s no word of any other victims. The University of Texas at Austin is currently in lockdown because of a gunman who fired eight to ten shots in short bursts. He was reported to be wearing a black ski mask, and police have confirmed that he has died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. Thoughts and prayers to the University of Texas – every time there’s a school shooting, it doesn’t get any less scary. source

04 Aug 2010 09:41


U.S.: Racism may have been at play in Hartford Distributors shooting

  • I killed the five racists that was there bothering me.
  • Omar S. Thornton (reportedly) • In a phone call to his mother immediately after the shooting, but before he turned the gun on himself. Thornton had claimed in the past of being the target of racial harassment at Hartford Distributors, noting racist words or imagery scrawled on bathroom walls. Thornton, who was reportedly a mellow guy, according to his family, and wasn’t known for such outbursts. Police believe he was in the midst of being fired for stealing beer. So this takes another turn. source

03 Aug 2010 21:42


U.S.: The Connecticut workplace shooter seemed perfectly normal

  • From my few meetings with him, he didn’t stand out as one of those people who would do anything like this – just a co-worker to everyone.
  • Teamsters official John Hollis • Describing Omar S. Thornton, the disgruntled employee who shot and killed eight, then himself, in a workplace shooting. Thornton had just finished a disciplinary meeting with management at Manchester, Conn.-based Hartford Distributors when he started shooting “indiscriminately,” according to Hollis. Thornton was the newest hire at the family-owned beer and wine distribution company, and had worked there around two years. Nobody saw it coming. source

14 May 2010 10:38


World: Thailand’s volatile political situation puts journalists in danger

  • 3 journalists were shot and wounded, one seriously, earlier today source

13 May 2010 10:20


World: In Thailand, a major opposition leader was shot today

Moments after this photo of renegade Gen. Khattiya Sawatdiphol (better known as Seh Daeng) was taken, he was shot in the head. A huge loss for the Red Shirts. source