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24 Feb 2010 10:27


Politics: John Edwards’ aide and Rielle Hunter squabble over sex tape

  • he said Andrew Young, who just wrote a book about the scandal, says the tape was abandoned by Hunter, who briefly lived with Young.
  • she said Hunter, on the other hand, told a court that Young stole the tape from a storage unit and in the process invaded her privacy. source

19 Feb 2010 10:59


19 Feb 2010 10:49


Culture: Tiger Woods talks today, but golf journalists won’t be there

  • I cannot stress how strongly our board felt that this should be open to all media and also for the opportunity to question Woods. The position, simply put, is all or none. This is a major story of international scope. To limit the ability of journalists to attend, listen, see and question Woods goes against the grain of everything we believe.
  • Golf Writers’ Association of America president Vartan Kupelian • Regarding this morning’s Tiger Woods press conference, which we plan to cover the crap out of in a few minutes. He isn’t allowing questions, he’s controlling the flow of information, and he’s really hurting his cause. Tiger’s handling of the whole situation is pretty deplorable, we think, from a PR standpoint. The timing – during the Olympics – is suspect. source

17 Feb 2010 10:18


World: Israel knows a thing or two about espionage scandals

  • 12 major international scandals Israel has been tied to source

15 Feb 2010 08:45


World: Sound familiar? Ireland’s Catholic Church rocked by a sex-abuse scandal

  • Yes, storms spark fear, even those that rock the boat of the church because of the sins of its members.
  • Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone • Discussing sexual-abuse scandals that have rocked the Catholic Church of Ireland. A November report noted that the church “obsessively” hid child abuse between the years of 1975 and 2004. Four bishops have already resigned as a result of the scandal, where at least one priest admitted to abusing as many as 100 children. Yikes. source

09 Feb 2010 17:26


U.S.: Laughable, scandal-ridden N.Y. Gov. David Paterson isn’t leaving office

Know that George W. Bush sign that says “Miss Me Yet?” Replace Dubya with Eliot Spitzer and we bet most New Yorkers would agree. source

05 Feb 2010 13:32


U.S.: Ex-John Edwards aide Andrew Young better give back that sex tape

  • Young was put in contempt of court today. Andrew Young, Edwards’ right-hand man in the midst of the politician’s sex scandal, has a sex tape that Reille Hunter, the other woman, wants. While Hunter had a temporary restraining order against Young, he wouldn’t give the tape back. Now he’s in contempt of court, but was not jailed, just reprimanded. If he gives the tape back by Wednesday, he’ll be golden. Will he? We’ll see. source

21 Jan 2010 09:01


Politics: Duh: John Edwards the father of Rielle Hunter’s freaking daughter

  • Scumbag. In a completion to one of the most spectacular falls in American history, John Edwards admitted that he’s the daddy of Frances Quinn Hunter, the baby girl born to another mother in the midst of his 2008 presidential campaign. The girl was born during an affair Edwards had with Rielle Hunter, while his wife Elizabeth was in the midst of a relapse from breast cancer. In case you need to catch up to this unbelievably saucy story, here’s a great place to start. source

18 Dec 2009 22:18


Culture: The New York Post knows how to milk Tiger Woods really well

  • 20 straight days of Tiger Woods front pages; nice golf score source

15 Dec 2009 11:04


Culture: Golf writers admit to being clueless about Tiger Woods

  • Everywhere I go these days, people who know what I do for a living keep asking the same question: Did you have any idea this was going on? I smile and sheepishly shake my head: No, I did not, never even a whiff.
  • Washington Post golf writer Leonard Shapiro • Discussing how the golf press missed the Tiger Woods story pretty badly. Why’s that? Simply put, they rarely dealt with him off the golf course, and when they did, it was during carefully vetted 10-minute interviews. Shapiro asked his industry colleagues if they had a hint of Woods’ private life, and none of them did. Surprising, to say the least, especially since these were the guys that put Woods on a pedestal all these years. source