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29 Feb 2012 15:32


World: Israeli officials urge U.S. to impose “suffocating” sanctions on Iran

  • Suffocating sanctions could lead to a grave economic situation in Iran and to a shortage of food. This would force the regime to consider whether the nuclear adventure is worthwhile, while the Persian people have nothing to eat and may rise up as was the case in Syria, Tunisia and other Arab states.
  • An unnamed Israeli official • Calling for the U.S. to cripple Iran’s economy with harder sanctions, to cause food shortages for the Iranian public as a means to gain diplomatic leverage. The impetus of this thinking came earlier today, when North Korea agreed to halt production of new nuclear weapons in exchange for food aid. While respecting the existential concern Iran’s nuclear prospects pose for Israel, the fact that the U.S. would itself impose a food shortage (unlike North Korea, where state mismanagement and famine were to blame) seems like it would aim the Iranian public’s outrage outward, not inward. The Arab spring had much do with economics, Tunisia’s high unemployment, for example, but a foreign state inducing hunger and starvation, and hoping people will therefore turn against their own government? That seems highly unlikely, as well as morally dubious. source

25 Feb 2011 21:02


World: U.S.: We’re sanctioning the hell out of those jerks in Libya

  • closed The U.S. is closing up shop on its embassy in Libya, which is probably a good thing, considering the current situation.
  • blocked The U.S. will also put very tight sanctions on the country – including an arms embargo and a possible travel ban.
  • frozen? And to put a cherry on top of this pie, the U.S. has also told banks to watch out for shifting Libyan funds. source
  • » Oh yeah, and: U.S. spies will reportedly be keeping tabs on the situation in hopes of maybe nailing Gaddafi and the Libyan government for potential crimes against humanity. And the UN has similar plans in their sights. This, Gaddafi, is why you don’t attack your own civilians in an desperate attempt to hold onto power.

09 Jan 2011 21:21


World: Iranian plane crash: Blame ancient fleet for latest accident

  • Iran’s had trouble with planes recently. Part of this is due to an ancient fleet and little way to get new supplies for the aircraft. So, as a result we have scenes like this one, where 72 people die (and 33 are hurt) in a plane crash. On a ground covered with snow. In the dark. This isn’t even the worst aviation disaster Iran has had in the last decade. Sigh. Can we offer a word of advice, Iran? Perhaps, instead of putting so much energy into building a nuclear facility, maybe you should build some new planes. It might help save some lives. (We retract this for the reasons explained here. See? We’re not made of stone.) source

09 Jun 2010 20:36


World: Iran sanctions: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad needs a dustbin, stat

  • I gave one of the [world powers] a message that the resolutions you issue are like a used handkerchief which should be thrown in the dustbin.
  • Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad • Talking all big and stuff after major sanctions were put on his country by the UN. What do the sanctions (the fourth set put on the country) do? Well, they allow the UN to prevent the tools for making nuclear devices from entering the country, specifically targeting the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, who have been known to create front companies. Beyond that, though, it also blocks Iran from buying heavy weapons like helicopters and attack missiles, and stiffens restrictions on both banks and certain individuals. That’s one fairly solid handkerchief Ahmadinejad just threw away. Or is it? source

09 Jun 2010 20:34


World: Iran sanctions: Most countries, but not all, supported them

  • 12-2 Turkey and Brazil weren’t buying that garbage source

07 Jun 2010 11:02


Politics: Hillary Clinton: Iran’s gonna pull something, ’cause they always do

  • I think we’ll see something coming up in the next 24 to 48 hours. I don’t think anybody should be surprised if they try to divert attention once again from the unity within the Security Council … but we have the votes.
  • Secretary of State Hillary Clinton • Regarding the sanctions the United Nations Security Council is trying to push for against Iran. Clinton is currently headed to Brazil, where she’s trying to mend fences with the country, which opposes new sanctions on Iran. It’s her second trip to Latin America in three months. source

18 May 2010 11:04


U.S., World: Is the U.S. buying Iran’s uranium-enrichment plan?

  • NO it and other nations are gonna put sanctions on ’em source

27 Nov 2009 09:16


World: Iran gets its hand slapped by much of the world over its nuke program

25 large countries – including, by the way, Russia and China – censured Iran for its secret nuclear program, which could lead to future sanctions. source

13 Jun 2009 11:41


World: The world boosts its sanctions. North Korea sez “SCREW. YOU.”

  • No matter how hard the U.S.-led hostile forces may try all sorts of isolation and blockade, the DPRK (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea), a proud nuclear power, will not flinch from them.
  • North Korea • Which said it would weaponize its plutonium and enrich uranium in response to sanctions that were put on them by the rest of the world. Because that’s gonna help matters. • source

10 Jun 2009 11:02


World: A bunch of countries are ready to sanction North Korea

  • 7 countries have agreed to sanction N. Korea if there’s another nuke test source