It’s official – running for Gov of CA. Wanted you to be the first to know. Need your help.
San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom • Who announced his candidacy for California governor today. It’s not nearly as lame as John McCain talking to George Stephanopoulos in a Tweeterview, but it’s still a crass political move at this point in the game. • source
2:00 p.m. – free peep show. Protect the kids. The St. Mary Cathedral in San Francisco has a design defect which is kind of hilarious. Due to its distinct architecture, it creates a shadow at certain times of the day that looks exactly like a woman’s breast. There are times at ShortFormBlog where we just throw our hands up because the jokes write themselves: Click the link to see a boob! source
The Chronicle’s screwed The San Francisco Chronicle, one of the largest papers in the country, has been bleeding money for years. It lost a modest $50 million last year. Yesterday, it told its staff that it either must cut costs significantly, including workers, or it will die. At the least, it will probably sell. source
The Chronicle’s screwed The San Francisco Chronicle, one of the largest papers in the country, has been bleeding money for years. It lost a modest $50 million last year. Yesterday, it told its staff that it either must cut costs significantly, including workers, or it will die. At the least, it will probably sell.
The industry sucks A long list of papers, including ones in major cities like Seattle and Denver, are also on death watch right now, and they may not make it through the next month, let alone the next year. Hate to say it, but Mark Andreessen is sounding more right by the day. source