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01 Apr 2011 20:51


U.S.: Ordering fast food may become more harrowing

  • NEW proposed FDA rules for calorie disclosure source
  • » The implications: Restaurants and vending machines that have more than twenty locations or units, respectively, would be required to post the caloric content of their foods. Menu cards would also bear a generic message about 2,000 calories being the recommended daily intake. This was actually a mandate in the Affordable Care Act that passed last year; the FDA proposal would just be the beginning of that enforcement. So, basically, you’ll have to start closing your eyes when you get to the counter at Carl’s Jr. (or, for our southern brethren, Hardee’s).

27 Jan 2011 15:11


U.S.: McConnell, Reid hash out “gentleman’s agreement” over filibuster

  • problem The exploding use of the filibuster rule has stagnated the Senate, with a 60-vote supermajority often needed to pass legislation, one senator being able to secretly block any vote they so please, and the president’s appointments being held up in the confirmation process seemingly endlessly.
  • solution? Today’s “gentleman’s agreement” between Sen. Reid and Sen. McConnell, in which for more capacity to add amendments, the GOP will filibuster less, will support ending the secret vote block, and will cut by one-third the number of Obama appointments that need Senate confirmation. source

24 Mar 2010 10:42


U.S.: No Child Left Behind doesn’t mean their reading scores get ahead

  • fourth After a modest increase in 2007, reading scores for fourth graders stalled in 2009 on a national level; some local schools did better, others did worse.
  • eighth While reading scores increased
    for eighth graders in 2009, there’s been no change in score since the “No Child Left Behind” law was enacted in 2002. source

14 Mar 2010 21:46


Biz: Two thresholds for Chris Dodd’s new bank-regulation plan

  • $10
    the amount of assets a bank would have to have to be sanctioned for a consumer-rules violation
  • $50
    the amount of assets a company would have to have to fall under the U.S.’s regulatory watch source

12 Feb 2010 23:30


Tech: Google’s Buzz privacy issues have a face: A domestic abuse victim

11 Feb 2010 20:32


Politics: New campaign rules: “I’m an evil CEO, and I approve this message.”

  • That oughta work around that Supreme Court decision. So, let’s say that you’re an organization or a corporation and you’re all excited about that Supreme Court decision that allows you to spend as much money as you want to skew a campaign. Well, the Democrats’ new proposed rules would force more transparency in the process, including our favorite, forcing corporate CEOs to say they approve this message. Bailed-out companies can’t fund ads either. Awesome. source

26 Dec 2009 14:39


U.S.: The new airline security rules: Hitting a gnat with a sledgehammer

  • Because consumers can’t be trusted to make up for failings caused by a security check that wasn’t done on a multi-part flight from Nigeria, people flying to the U.S. from another country will be subject to rules forcing them to new standards. To call these rules over-the-top is to point out that they’re punishing the wrong people for something one guy did. Here’s a quick overview of the rules, according to Air Canada:
  • one Multiple searches, both at the airport screening point and the aircraft boarding area.
  • two One carry-on item per person, which means you’re stuck paying fees to check your stuff.
  • three During the last hour of flight, you must remain seated with no access to carry-on items.
  • four If you see your own shadow on a flight, be scared of it. (We made that one up, guys.) source

08 Oct 2009 22:28


Offbeat: Kid wastes his life learning how to play the accordion really well

  • Just think, if this kid learned how to be a virtuoso on an instrument we actually cared about, we’d probably be impressed. Instead, we’re just bewildered.source

22 Sep 2009 09:11


Tech, U.S.: Thanks to the FCC, the net neutrality debate’s flaring up again

  • Consumer groups very favorable towards the rules. “This is a tremendous day for millions of us who have been clamoring to keep the internet free from discrimination,” said Free Press executive director John Silver. source
  • After the new rules were announced, wireless providers collectively freaked out. So did big cable companies like Comcast. A bunch of Republican congressmen also submitted a bill threatening to cut the FCC’s funding. source

21 Jul 2009 11:12


Tech: Are Apple’s random App Store rules hurting the iPhone?

  • It’s one thing to delay a homebrew project like mine, but it’s another thing to shut down a team of developers burning real cash. Apple should be worried when real programmers shrug off the rejections by saying, ‘It’s just a hobby.’
  • Infoworld columnist Peter Wayner • Describing the hoops he’s had to go through – along with the months of waiting – just to get an iPhone app version of his book onto the App Store. He’s still trying to get a pay version on – with proceeds that go to charity – after four months. • source