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26 Aug 2011 14:57


Politics: What do Rick Perry and Rudy Giuliani have in common?

  • 26% Rick Perry’s average support in GOP primary polls since announcing his candidacy; he’s now in the lead
  • 29% Rudy Giuliani’s average support in GOP primary polls at this point in 2007; he was then in the lead source
  • » Just a reminder of how difficult it is to predict the outcomes of presidential primaries  six months before Iowa. It’s also instructive to recall another Southern Republican who, four years ago, was seen as a savior by the GOP establishment. He announced his candidacy late in the game, and immediately vaulted to the top of the polls. That candidate was Fred Thompson.

24 May 2011 13:45


Politics: Rumors swirl on possible Giuliani run, ’cause someone has to

  • Run Rudy Run: You may have noticed a lot of nail-biting amongst establishment Republican figures in the last couple days, with the news that Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels wouldn’t be running causing a bit of an “oh my god, we don’t have many electable candidates here” sort of panic. But never fear, GOP, your knight in shining armor could be coming. Reports are swirling that Rudy Giuliani, seeking redemption for his disastrous 2008 campaign (record-setting for its waste and futility, as he spent over $50 million to net just one delegate), may throw his name into the ring once more. Said Rep. Peter King: “If he were to make the decision today, he would run.” source

14 Feb 2011 21:51


Politics: Does Rudy have a shot at the Republican nomination?

  • unsurprisingNew Hampshire Republicans want Mitt Romney as their presidential nominee in 2012, according to a recent poll. It wasn’t a shock last time he won such a poll, and it’s not a shock now.
  • surprisingWho came in second place behind Romney? Why, none other than America’s Mayor himself, Mr. Rudolph Giuliani. His mere inclusion in the poll is almost as surprising as his placing. source
  • » But take this with a grain of salt: Encouraging as these results may be to Giuliani, he still finished thirty (30) points behind Romney, which is an awfully steep deficit to overcome. And New Hampshire’s not exactly a deep red state, so it’s expected that they’d favor a moderate like Giuliani over someone like Mike Huckabee (who tied with Tim Pawlenty for third)). Still, just about nobody in the media has been taking a potential Giuliani candidacy seriously, so this second place showing is, if nothing else, a surprise.

22 Dec 2009 20:58


U.S.: Rudy Giuliani gives up on big dreams, keeps the little ones

Dude’s rich, dude’s forever associated with 9/11 (in a good way), dude’s famous, but dude’s given up on political office. Dude secretly regrets it, we’re sure. source

15 Nov 2009 11:47


Politics: Rudy Giuliani knocks White House “over-concern” for 9/11 terrorists

  • Both in substance and reality, the war on terror in their point of view is over. There seems to be an over-concern with the rights of terrorists and a lack of concern with the rights of the public.
  • Former NYC mayor Rudy Giuliani • on the White House’s decision to try 9/11 terror suspects in New York City instead of elsewhere. Giuliani, of course, was the mayor during 9/11 and the initial recovery, and his words have a lot more heft in this conversation as a result. • source