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09 May 2010 10:10


U.S., World: Attorney General: Pakistani Taliban behind Times Square plot

  • last week Almost immediately the Pakistani
    Taliban claimed responsibility for
    the failed Times Square attack.
    Then, later, they denied it.
  • “this week” On the Sunday talk show, Attorney
    General Eric Holder pinned the
    attack on them. We’re waiting for a
    reversal of the claim. source

27 Jan 2010 09:08


U.S.: So, Obama’s taking responsibility in his State of the Union tonight

  • But he won’t take blame. Obama’s first year in office hasn’t been perfect, and now the administration’s running with its tail between its legs, trying to figure out the best way to reconcile after the Scott Brown loss. Expect an Obama who takes “responsibility” for the missteps tonight, but not one who shoulders the blame. Should be fun to watch. We’ll be there, blogging about it. source

17 Sep 2009 11:15
