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22 Feb 2011 14:24


Politics: Supreme Court Justice’s impressive streak of questionlessness

  • 5 years since Clarence Thomas’ last question of an arguing attorney source
  • » The question is, why? Thomas has offered some indication, saying that he feels the process is overdone and that the other justices ask any questions he might have, but it seems improbable at best that he legitimately hasn’t had a question worth asking in five years. It’s true, though, that this may have no real impact on how the Court conducts business, but it does beg the question: should inquisitiveness be held up as more of a virtue than it is in this day and age? Or do you prefer the strong, silent type?

27 May 2010 14:48


27 Nov 2009 10:47


Politics: Sarah Palin puts a little too much trust in Canadian conservatives

  • Dear Sarah Palin: If you see a woman who vaguely looks like you shouting questions about Canadian health care, do yourself a favor and don’t answer. The woman, Mary Walsh of “Daily Show” to the North “This Hour has 22 Minutes,” was in character as ultraconservative Marg Delahunty, and she was trying to bait Palin into saying something really stupid. It took her a couple tries, but Walsh succeeded. source

19 Oct 2009 22:36


Culture: “Jeopardy” fail: Kareem Abdul-Jabbar airballs easy question

  • Kareem is so convinced that he’s the answer to the question that it takes him a few seconds to realize he answered “Who is Kareem Abdul-Jabbar?” when the question was really “Who is Bill Walton?” Dude needs to learn his NBA history.source

13 Oct 2009 09:47


World: Carter-Ruck had the U.K. press over a barrel in parliament

  • The media laws in this country increasingly place newspapers in a Kafkaesque world in which we cannot tell the public anything about information which is being suppressed, nor the proceedings which suppress it.
  • The Guardian editor Alan Rusbridger • Describing a bizarre situation in which his newspaper was not allowed to publish a question about the Trafigura toxic waste scandal. The gag pushed for by the Carter-Ruck law firm, was lifted just a short time ago. Reminder: The U.K. doesn’t have the same freedom of press as the U.S., so stuff like this occasionally happens. • source

03 Oct 2009 11:40


Politics: Daily Poll: Would Sarah Palin be bad news for the GOP in 2012?

  • Steve Schmidt, who worked with Palin in the 2008 campaign as John McCain’s chief campaign strategist, says she’d be a disaster. As these things usually are, it was a huge PR windfall for Palin, who stomped on it. The question is, is he right? Is he wrong? Vote.source

24 Jun 2009 20:52


Politics, U.S.: Blogger Nico Pitney: Public enemy No. WHO FREAKING CARES?

  • That’s right. I wanted to use this opportunity to ask you a question directly from an Iranian.
  • Huffington Post blogger Nico Pitney • Being asked a question by President Barack Obama. Pitney is getting lots of criticism because apparently he knew Obama would be calling on him, despite the fact that, well, he asked a question that wasn’t pre-screened and was merely planned (from an Iranian citizen). Yeah. This is clearly as bad as the Jeff Gannon situation a while back. Nothing to see here, folks. • source

21 Apr 2009 10:10


Culture: Did an anti-gay-marriage answer derail a Miss USA win? Probably.

  • A lot of people were shocked.
    We were all kind of giving each other those eyes, we couldn’t believe it.
  • Miss Vermont Brooke Werner • On Miss California, Carrie Prejean’s, controversial answer to Perez Hilton’s question regarding gay marriage. Hilton, who is openly gay and famous for outing gay celebs, made it clear that he gave Prejean a low score based on her answer, and based on the way the pageant is tabulated, that might have cost her the competition. By the way, it was clear the question was in the mix, but it was pure chance that Hilton asked it and Prejean answered it. • source