After an attack on an a well-regarded Islamic university yesterday, Pakistan has chosen to leave schools and colleges nationwide closed. Just in case.
All DRM has ever done is annoy consumers who actually paid for their music. No single piece of DRM has ever stopped anyone from pirating music, it’s quite the opposite as the music industry now realizes.
TorrentFreak’s Ernesto • Discussing the demise of the Recording Industry Association of America’s reliance on digital rights management to protect its content. In recent months, the music industry group has abandoned the approach: In an upcoming issue of SCMagazine, chief spokesperson Jonathan Lamy says, “DRM is dead, isn’t it?” That sounds pretty definitive to us. • source
Blame a bunch of idiots who OD on acetaminophen. The agent, a key ingredient in Tylenol, causes people to overdose if taken in too high of doses – but those doses aren't far from the labels' recommended doses. Using numbers from a study published in the 1990s, the FDA is trying to ban drugs that mix acetaminophen with other drugs. Like half the cold remedies out there. source
All providers who care for pregnant women and infants have a responsibility to assure that mothers and fathers know that circumcision could help protect their sons.
Dr Judith Wasserheit • Researcher at the University of Washington, on the role that circumcision can play in protecting men from the most common sexually-transmitted diseases. You know, there are many jokes we could make here, but for your sake as well as ours, we’re not going to make them. • source
It is very important to the entire team here to be part of a solution.
Stanford L. Kurland • Former president of Countrywide, a company synonymous with the housing crisis, on his new venture, PennyMac. PennyMac buys back delinquent mortgages and resells them. While some homeowners claim to be helped, some critics claim it’s like an arsonist who sets fire to the home, “then buys up the charred remains and resells it.” • source