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11 Jan 2010 10:34


Tech: Facebook tries to open up when its users prefer privacy

  • People have really gotten comfortable not only sharing more information and different kinds, but more openly and with more people. That social norm is just something that has evolved over time.
  • Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg • On why his site is slowly becoming less private and more open. As Twitter has created an environment best for open discussion, Facebook – a traditionally private, walled-garden site – has tried to react by stretching their privacy settings in a way that makes it easier to share information. We kinda disagree with Zuckerberg here – Facebook works best private, while Twitter works best public. They’re two different things. They work two different ways. source

30 Dec 2009 08:42


World: Amsterdam the first to get full body scans, legalized pot

  • They’ll be used on all flights to the United States. After a massive security fail, you may have had a feeling this was coming. The Dutch have said, “screw the privacy concerns, we need this.” The 15 machines will be ready in a few weeks. This is despite the fact that they say there’s no 100% guarantee that it would’ve actually nailed the Underwear Bomber. Great. What’s the point of this again? source

30 Nov 2009 10:33


Culture: A PR person speculates on why Tiger shouldn’t let people speculate

  • There’s only two things worse than whatever really happened outside Tiger Woods’ house: speculation and the appearance of a cover up.
  • David and Sam PR founder and creative director David Eichler • Describing why Woods’ desire to keep the car crash story under wraps is doing him significantly more harm than good. “When you make a billion dollars by being a celebrity you have no privacy,” he continues. “No matter how egregious the truth is, Tiger’s camp would be well served to learn from history and not try to run, hide or pretend they don’t owe the public the truth.” source

05 Nov 2009 10:43


Tech: Daily Poll: Is Google’s new privacy-pushing Dashboard a good idea?

  • Google has a lot of data streams on you and just about everyone else. It’s a huge responsibility of theirs to keep all that information safe. So, to help build transparency in the system, the site just launched Google Dashboard. Is it a good idea? Vote about it here.source

20 Sep 2009 20:30


Tech: You don’t need a gaydar; you need someone’s Facebook profile

A bunch of MIT researchers figured out you could figure out whether or not someone was gay based on their Facebook friends alone. Stalkers. source

11 Sep 2009 13:51


Tech: Daily poll: Facebook, Twitter, and your social-networking rights

  • Biz Stone says your tweets are yours. Yesterday, the Twitter CEO updated the site’s blog and told users that while Twitter can distribute as it would like, “they are your tweets and they belong to you.” As Facebook has faced lots of criticism from users about privacy issues (and MySpace has a rep as a place for sex predators), social networking often runs into issues with the rights of its users. So, that’s what this poll is about. Have an opinion? Vote. source

23 Aug 2009 12:05


Tech: A Facebook quiz designed to make you question your privacy

  • Clever. And scary. Back in June, the American Civil Liberties Union noted that Facebook quizzes can essentially take any information they want about you and your friends for purposes of a stupid, useless quiz. To prove a point, someone developed a quiz based on the ACLU’s article – one that actually takes said information. Keep this in mind next time you take a stupid quiz, guys. source

26 Jul 2009 11:58


Politics, Tech: Regarding Facebook’s privacy standards: Give ’em a break, OK?

  • As underhanded as this may seem, this should be a lesson to actually read the terms of service, vague as they may be, before signing up for a social networking service that wants to use your pictures in ads.
  • An editorial in the Los Angeles Times • Discussing Facebook’s privacy policy regarding advertising, which has its users taking this particular drama and running with it. We’re of the opinion that Facebook tends to go a little far sometimes, but in this case, users may in fact be overreacting. OK, this ad shows that Facebook needs to be a bit more careful, but their privacy policy does easily allow this to be turned off – and on top of that, this information isn’t supposed to be cached, anyway. Ah Facebook, it doesn’t matter what you do: You just end up pissing off your users. • source

29 May 2009 13:13


U.S.: President Barack Obama: Cybertheft victim

  • Cyberspace is real and so are the risks that come with it. I know how it feels to have privacy violated because it has happened to me.
  • President Barack Obama • who revealed today, while launching a new initiative to fight cybercrime that his presidential campaign suffered a break-in by hackers last year, although they did not swipe information from campaign contributors. He also noted that a new cyber czar would be part of the initiative, though he didn’t name names. • source

26 Apr 2009 22:59


Tech: Facebook will open up its platform to developers. Woo-hoo!

  • Right now, Facebook, everyone’s favorite pre-Twitter social networking site, is a walled garden. You can do some stuff in it, and it seems open, but you have to do everything within its interface. Twitter has gone out of its way to make the environment open for others, part of the reason it’s thriving. (That and Oprah.) source
  • Facebook’s opening of its garden to outside developers (which they’ll announce officially tomorrow) is mostly a good thing for users, but it’ll have to contend with people who have been burned by the service on issues ranging from privacy to design. Will users agree to yet another policy change? source