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14 May 2010 20:42


Tech: Oops: Google Street View accidentally ganked people’s wi-fi data

Don’t mind us! It’s just Google Street View, driving through your villa. Do do do do do … hey, what’s this private wi-fi data we’re picking up? Oh crap. source

13 May 2010 22:37


Tech: So, yeah, now there’s a Facebook protest on the table. Hoo-ray

See, if we were Facebook, we would’ve registered @facebookprotest on Twitter (and the corresponding domain name) knowing the odds someone would get to it first. source

06 May 2010 10:35


Tech: Facebook feeling the pressure over its latest privacy changes

  • 15 consumer groups aren’t fans of Facebook’s privacy stance source

05 May 2010 10:00


Tech: Facebook drops a major security ball, and then some. Holy crap

  • We’re looking at your Facebook chats now. We got curious. TechCrunch noticed this major flaw in Facebook’s Gibson this morning, one so massive that Facebook’s chat mechanism is already down for maintenance. In the social networking world, this is equivalent to a zero-day exploit, so we’re very glad that Facebook is at least being quick in fixing it. But still. WTF guys? This is incredibly bad form. source

28 Apr 2010 20:46


Tech: Badly-sourced tweet: Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t believe in privacy

  • Off record chat w/ Facebook employee. Me: How does Zuck feel about privacy? Response: [laughter] He doesn’t believe in it.
  • New York Times technology writer Nick Bilton • Tweeting something maybe he shouldn’t have. The tweet suggests that Mark Zuckerberg’s merely paying lip service to the idea of privacy, which is probably not something which helps his cause right now in the wake of the Open Graph push. Bilton, for his part, is facing a controversy of his own over his apparent misunderstanding of “off the record,” though in his defense, the source later said it was OK to leak the information without using their name. source

17 Apr 2010 12:16


Biz: Like saving money? Like privacy? Don’t use Web coupons

  • good The Web coupon segment of the money-saving market has grown greatly of late – redemption is up 263 percent to 50 million coupons.
  • bad Those coupons, however, give retailers more info than your average coupons, including IP addresses and search data. source

26 Mar 2010 11:18


Biz: Cost of a year in prison: Two million stolen debit and credit cards

  • 40
    number of card numbers Albert Gonzalez, 28, stole via hacking
  • 20
    number of years he’ll be spending in prison; privacy is cheap source

24 Mar 2010 11:18


Tech: Facebook gets crap for allowing people to upload stranger photos

  • It’s apparently a huge privacy thing. Facebook – and Google, for that matter – allow you to upload photos and videos of people not on the site, without their consent. Now the Swiss and German governments are all up in arms about this, apparently missing the fact that you can do this on any other site on the Internet. Just to prove this point, we grabbed this photo from Flickr of some dudes at a party. We don’t know them, but they seem like they’re having fun. source

08 Mar 2010 23:47


U.S.: The Supreme Court takes on Fred Phelps’ hate-causing cronies

  • cause Phelps’ Westboro Baptist Church,
    which has made it a mission of
    theirs to protest soldiers’ funerals,
    was sued in 2006 after they
    protested the funeral of Lance Cpl. Matthew Snyder.
  • issues The corresponding issues of
    free expression and right to dissent meet with the conflicting issue of
    privacy in this case, which could
    set a pretty huge precedent for
    protesters. source

12 Feb 2010 23:30


Tech: Google’s Buzz privacy issues have a face: A domestic abuse victim