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06 May 2010 21:43


Culture: Bret Michaels realizes he’s a lucky bastard, plans to live that way

  • As painful as this experience has been, I was given a second chance, right? I don’t want to sit around every night worrying this is going to happen again.
  • Poison lead singer (and lucky bastard) Bret Michaels • Regarding his brain hemorrhage, an experience which nearly left him dead. As it is, he suffered short-term memory loss but is expected to make a full recovery. Given a second chance, he plans to take full advantage of it. “What I want to do is make a positive bucket list and say ‘I’m just gonna go for it,'” he said. Our take? It’s kind of like an inversion of the philosophy behind “Every Rose Has its Thorn.” Every thorn is attached to a rose. Bret Michaels seems to have taken this to heart. source

23 Apr 2010 20:56


Culture: A little more on Bret Michaels’ condition; it’s not good

  • The Poison singer has a subarachnoid hemorrhage. What’s that, you ask? Well, it’s bleeding in the area between the brain and the tissues that cover the brain (his is at the base of the brain stem). It starts out with a huge headache, usually, and is brought on by a number of risk factors. It can also be the result of injury, so the “Rock of Love” star’s fall at the Tonys is still on the table. Unfortunately, the risk of death in this case is very high, even after treatment. We feel bad for the guy and hope he pulls through. source

23 Apr 2010 17:36


Culture: Remember Bret Michaels at the Tonys? Not sayin’, just sayin’.

  • Look, we don’t know the full story yet. But the tumble that Michaels took here at the Tonys is exactly the kind of thing, if he fell the wrong way, that might cause something like a hemorrhage to the brain in the long term. He also had an emergency appendectomy just a week ago. And diabetes. And he’s a hair-metal rocker known for his hard-partying ways. In other words, dude has an insane medical history. We hope he’s OK. We’re pulling for you, man. source

23 Apr 2010 17:19


09 Dec 2009 09:35


U.S.: Some crazy lady tried really hard to kill a rival’s baby

  • Forged prescription Kisha Jones of Brooklyn, in an attempt to end the pregnancy of Monique Hunter, who she believed was about to have her husband’s illegitimate baby, reportedly acquired a drug meant to induce labor by acquiring a doctor’s medical pad.
  • Tricked into taking Jones then allegedly pretended to be Hunter’s doctor’s office and called numerous times telling her that she had a prescription she needed to take. Hunter then took the prescription thinking it was hers, had severe abdominal pain, and went into labor.
  • Toxic bottle Despite all of that, the baby survived, but not without another wrinkle. A unidentified man the allegedly dropped off a bottle for the new baby filled with poison. Doctors caught the bottle and called police. “What do you call your act?” “The Aristocrats!” source

08 Jun 2009 22:51


Culture: We don’t care about the Tony Awards or Bret Michaels. So we love this.

  • In a classic TV moment, Bret Michaels was injured by the Tony Awards. OK, we don’t like following the ins and outs of theatre’s biggest night, nor do we think Poison has a place on any stage – not even the Tony Awards. So it was great to watch how a set piece came crashing down on Bret Michaels, breaking his nose and cutting his lip. Which, according to the YouTube video, was way less than he should’ve gotten from that. source

04 Feb 2009 21:55


U.S.: Authorities prescribe new leads in Tylenol murders

  • What happened? In 1982, a number of bottles of Tylenol were laced with cyanide, killing seven people in Chicago and causing a nationwide recall of the product. The crime was never solved, but its maker, Johnson & Johnson, was able to survive a PR disaster by aggressively recalling the product and creating safer, more secure packaging. (It’s an oft-used example of how to survive a crisis.) source
  • What happened? In 1982, a number of bottles of Tylenol were laced with cyanide, killing seven people in Chicago and causing a nationwide recall of the product. The crime was never solved, but its maker, Johnson & Johnson, was able to survive a PR disaster by aggressively recalling the product and creating safer, more secure packaging. (It’s an oft-used example of how to survive a crisis.)
  • Recent developments The FBI searched the Cambridge, Mass. home of James W. Lewis, who sent an extortion letter to the company and was sent to prison. He was never charged in the killings but was always considered a prime suspect. Due to renewed attention after its 25th anniversary, a number of tips led authorities to a major break in the case. source