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06 May 2010 21:43


Culture: Bret Michaels realizes he’s a lucky bastard, plans to live that way

  • As painful as this experience has been, I was given a second chance, right? I don’t want to sit around every night worrying this is going to happen again.
  • Poison lead singer (and lucky bastard) Bret Michaels • Regarding his brain hemorrhage, an experience which nearly left him dead. As it is, he suffered short-term memory loss but is expected to make a full recovery. Given a second chance, he plans to take full advantage of it. “What I want to do is make a positive bucket list and say ‘I’m just gonna go for it,'” he said. Our take? It’s kind of like an inversion of the philosophy behind “Every Rose Has its Thorn.” Every thorn is attached to a rose. Bret Michaels seems to have taken this to heart. source

05 Apr 2010 08:30


World: In China, a bunch of miners got rescued; they ate bark to survive

  • 115 lucky bastards got out of
    the flooded pit source

27 Jan 2010 09:15


World: Someone else got pulled out of the rubble in Haiti. Whoa.

This man was pulled out of the rubble – alive. It’s not clear if he was done in by the two-week-old quake or an aftershock, but it’s clear it was amazing. source

17 Jun 2009 11:13


Politics, World: Could Iran’s Supreme Leader throw Ahmadinejad over?

  • I think it’s certainly within the realm of possibilities. And I would argue, John, Ahmadinejad doesn’t necessarily have the loyalty of the Revolutionary Guards and the Basiege.
  • Karim Sadjadpour • An Iranian expert with the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, speaking to CNN on whether Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has the support that would allow him to remain leader under that strife he’s facing. Because, in the case of Ayatollah Khamenei, it’s about his survival, too.  • source

15 Apr 2009 09:36


Biz: Fiat still isn’t afraid of backing out on the Chrysler deal

  • If unions don’t accept cuts, they may cut out. Fiat is Chrysler’s main hope for survival right now, and they know this, but they still aren’t afraid of playing hardball. If unions don’t want to take cuts, said CEO Sergio Marchionne, “Absolutely we are prepared to walk.” The unions may not have much of a choice, if option B is the dissolution of Chrysler. source

19 Jan 2009 15:29


Biz: Fix it again, Chrysler: Fiat could be their new suitor

  • Fiat to buy stake in Chrysler? Chrysler’s under the gun after getting $4 billion from the auto industry bailout, so it’s looking for some outside help. It needs to come up with a plan to stay alive to show to the U.S. government by March 31. Enter Fiat, the Italian car manufacturer with a long history of foreign interests. source
  • Fiat to buy stake in Chrysler? Chrysler’s under the gun after getting $4 billion from the auto industry bailout, so it’s looking for some outside help. It needs to come up with a plan to stay alive to show to the U.S. government by March 31. Enter Fiat, the Italian car manufacturer with a long history of foreign interests.
  • Scratching each other’s backs Fiat at the very least would offer some help to Chrysler. Both would benefit from the deal. Chrysler gets access to Fiat’s experience in building efficient small-to-medium-size cars; Fiat gets a foothold in the American market to introduce some of its vehicles to the States. Win-win, right? source